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A logger for the DDO MMO combat log



  • Install Python
    • You will need to setup the Environment Variable in order to access python from anywhere - BE CAREFUL
    • Go to My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
      • Select the PATH variable in the bottom section and hit Edit
      • Add the path to your Python folder, ex. `C:\MYOTHERPROGRAMS;C:\Python27;'
        • Make sure you just add, don't change/remove anything else
  • Open up a command line. cmd.exe or find the Command Prompt
  • Install Pillow by typing
pip install Pillow
  • Install Paint.NET
  • Create a folder for everything to live in, such as: C:\Users\[YourLogin]\Documents\ddologger
  • Install Tesseract. Install it to your created folder.
  • Put the file in the created folder
  • Put the ddo.traineddata file inside the tessdata of the copied tesseract folders
  • Make sure the and tesseract.exe are in the same folder

Prep Work

You should redo this section any time you move your screen (if windowed) or move your Combat window

  • Open up a command line. cmd.exe or find the Command Prompt
  • Navigate to the created folder.
C:\ cd C:\Users\[YourLogin]\Documents\ddologger
  • Open up DDO. Log in and get on your character. Either focus to your Combat tab or pull your Combat tab out to its own window.
  • If you are running in Fullscreen, you may need to take a screenshot yourself instead of using this program.
  • Focus the Command prompt and run:
python -m S
  • This will create a file called ddo_ss_single.bmp in the folder.
  • Open up the ddo_ss_single.bmp file in Paint.NET
    • I choose the Color Picker tool, so I don't mess anything up.
    • Hover over the top-left corner of the Combat window. Write down the coordinates, ex: 95,458
    • Hover over the bottom-right corner of the Combat window. Write down the coordinates, ex: 602,758
  • We now have our box coordinates by combining the two sets: (95,458,602,758)
  • Focus back to the Command prompt and run:
python -m B -b (95,458,602,758)

  • This will create an image called ddo_box_ss_single.bmp in the folder.

    • Open this image in Paint.NET and see if it correctly gets all of the Combat window
      • If not, bump around the coordinate numbers and rerun the command till you get the correct image
  • It will also create a ddo_coordinates.txt file, which will be used in Full mode. Makes it easier to make small changes and to re-use if you don't change your screen.


Once we have the correct coordinates, we just need to run the program while we play

python -m F
  • While you have the command prompt focused, press ESC to stop the program.


Here are my notes for what I did to create this for those that are interested.

If you want, you can add the optional -s flag, which will save the screenshots (not all images) and text files generated so you can see what is going on.

  • WARNING - This will take up alot of space on your harddrive. For me, it was about 180MB per minute.

Training Tesseract

  • Got the jTessBoxEditor. Any of the editors will do, just need to be able to fix the mappings.
  • I tested saving as .png and .bmp files. Going to go with .bmp, though not sure which is best to use.
  • Took the box coordinates images, since that is all I really care about from the screenshots.
  • Convert images to just White Text on Black background
  • Resize the image to be 6 times as big. This seemed to be the sweet spot where Tesseract read the font the best while not going overboard on size.
  • Renamed my 3 test images to ddo-ddo_font-expX.bmp, with X being 1,2,3
  • You can use the runit.bat file to speed up the running of these commands
  • Ran for all 3
tesseract.exe ddo-ddo_font-expX.bmp ddo-ddo_font-expX -psm 6 batch.nochop makebox
  • Didn't do it, but should for future cases. Refer to the Tip #1 in the resolverdiologic link.

    • I couldn't get this tip to work, so I ended up just doing 3 images and making a ddotrain.traineddata file, then using that for -l ddotrain while doing the rest of my training images.
  • Opened up each .bmp in the jTessBoxEditor. Manually fixed any issues, such as doing 'Split' and 'Merge' to get correct character reads. Also selected a ton of boxes at the top and did 'Delete' to get rid of the junk mapping for the chopped off data.

    • Since the .bmp and .box files are named the same, this is how jTessBoxEditor opens it correctly
  • Saved the newly edited .box files

  • Ran for all 3

tesseract.exe ddo-ddo_font-expX.bmp ddo-ddo_font-expX -psm 6 nobatch box.train
  • Need to open up all the generated .tr files, find the UnknownFont entries and do a Replace All with ddo_font, otherwise the other tools break because I am using ddo_font
  • Ran
  • Take a look at the generated unicharset file. Look for any strange characters, that means you missed something in one of the .box files. Go back and fix, then rerun everything.
  • Made the font_properties file and put ddo_font 0 0 0 0 0 in it
    • Need to make a file without an extension. I just created a new .txt file and did a Rename, removing the .txt extension
  • Ran
shapeclustering.exe -F font_properties -U unicharset
  • Make sure this one runs correctly. If not, none of the rest will. Probably means you missed replacing UnknownFont in a .tr file
  • Ran
mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O tla.unicharset
  • Ran
  • Ran
move inttemp ddo.inttemp
move normproto ddo.normproto
move pffmtable ddo.pffmtable
move shapetable ddo.shapetable
  • Ran
combine_tessdata ddo.
  • Don’t forget the period at the end of the line!

  • Copy the ddo.trainneddata file into the tessdata folder

Tesseract should now be trained.

  • Run
tesseract.exe ddo-ddo_font-expX.bmp ddo-ddo_font-expX -l ddo -psm 6
  • This generates the ddo-ddo_font-expX.txt file.
    • Need to use the -psm 6 command argument to have it treat the text as a block instead of columns due to the consistent (Combat) style entries at the beginning of each line


This tutorial helped me a ton - Also this -


A logger for the DDO MMO combat log







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