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Releases: AndersSchmidtHansen/Sidequest

Now with Mailchimp & nice front-ends for login, register and forgot password

01 May 22:56
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  1. Automatically sign new users up for a Mailchimp List (given that you have added the ID and API keys in the Admin and .env file.
  2. Added Twitter Bootstrap (along with Bower) to the consumer-facing side.
  3. Because of that, i've made some front-ends for login, register and forgot password. More of these things will come along.
  4. Minor layout update to the Settings page in the Admin panel.
  5. It should now be possible to set individual users as "Testers", which is useful for early beta testers. Instead of handing out Stripe coupons or whatnot, just go to your Users in the Admin panel and check the "Tester" checbox. They will then be considered Stripe Active until you uncheck the box. Only non-subscribers can become testers, so don't be concerned about accidentally deactivating a paying customer.
  6. Gearing up for more niceness.

Thank you so much for your support so far. 19 stargazers is awesome, I hope Sidequest is helpful to you people. Please write if you spot anything you'd like changed etc.

Enhanced Keen analytics and minor email improvements

20 Mar 19:44
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updated readme to reflect total paying customers metric being added t…

…o analytics page

Now with integration!

19 Mar 21:48
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Relevant analytics for SaaS startups:

  • An integration with the awesome, enabling... (✔)
  • an Analytics page on the Admin Dashboard with... (✔)
  • a "Weekly Growth rate" metric based on the weekly growth in revenue since the past week (✔)
  • a "New Paying Customers" graph over the last 2 months (✔)
  • a "Revenue per month" graph (✔)
  • a "Today's revenue" metric (✔)
  • a "Last 30 days' revenue" metric (✔)

Development Version

18 Mar 11:31
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fixed wrong count of non-subscribers, it also counted admins