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Sandbox Extensions

A module for extending Sandbox functionality.
Foundry Packages Directory


Directly inside Foundry

Sandbox Extensions can be installed from Foundry´s configuration meny under "Add-on Module", and choose "Install module", filter package for "Sandbox Extensions"

Manifest URL

See here on help on how to use the manifest URL to install a module
Foundry Wiki - How to install module

Version Compability

This module has been tested with the following versions

Sandbox Foundry
0.11.0 0.8.9
0.10.1 0.8.9


Sandbox Extension requires the excellent module CodeMirror for Foundry VTT

Module Features

  • Functions for auto generate values based on item name, item type(or property type) and configurable prefix/suffix/case for
    • Key, Tag, Title, Tooltip, Font Group, Input Group, Header Group, Roll ID, Roll Name
  • Function for validate input
    • Key valid name and if key is already in use
    • Check Group
    • List(Options)
  • Function for Autogenerate All/Validate All/Clear All
  • Expression Editor with syntax highlighting and bracket matching
    • Default, Roll Formula, Roll Name, Roll ID, Auto, Max(for simplenumerics properties), Check Group, List(Options)
  • Functions for Cut/Copy/Paste for inputs
  • Function for special Copy
    • Key as actor property
    • Key as cItem property
    • Key as dialog property
    • Font Group/Input Group/Header Group as CSS Rule Set
  • Export Item data to clipboard as
    • HTML Table
    • Markdown Table
    • PlainText Table
  • Item Delete Protection for Actor and Item sheets
    • Hides the Delete icon for table items, panel properties etc . Checkbox in window header to toggle visibillity for delete icons
  • Option for Details as default tab for Properties/Panels/Multipanels/Groups/Tabs. Only for GMs
  • Option for Attributes as default tab for cItems. Only for GMs
  • Option for adapt item sheets size and position based on content automatically on open. Only for GMs
  • Option for automatic Latin conversion(transliteration) for key autogenerating support for many(!) alphabets(Using )
  • Key Checker
  • Item Structure Checker
  • Supports item types
    • Property, Panel, Multipanel, Group, Tab, cItem
  • All functions are optional and can be disabled in Settings

Module Operations



Item Deletion Protection

Item Structure & Key Checker

Open the Checkers by going by the Game Settings page, on the the Module tab

Key Checker

The Key Checker lists all Sandbox items and validates them according to the current validation mode.

key_checker Click an item in the result list to open the item.

To filter the results, use the filter controls on the bottom.

Item Structure Checker

The Item Structure Checker validates the relation of the items(parent item and subitem)

Click an item in the result list to open the item.

To filter the results, use the filter controls on the bottom.

Module Settings

Setting Description Default
Activate item deletion protection When activated, delete icons will be hidden as default, a checkbox for toggling the visibility of the delete icon is added to sheets window title. true
Enforced key validation mode Unchecked: Sandbox standard - Keys are valid unless containing space, special characters or empty.
Keys for can be duplicate between datatypes except panels/multipanels
Checked: Enforced - Keys are valid if containing only A-Z, a-z,0-9,_(underscore) and not empty.
Keys can not be duplicate between datatypes
Show ID in sheet caption When checked, the item/actors ID will be shown in the sheets window title. Useful for debugging problem.
Applies for GMs only.
Adapt item sheet size/position When checked, the starting size and position are adapted to item content.
Applies for GMs only.
Override item default tab When checked, the default(starting) tab when an item is displayed is Details or Attributes(for cItems)
Applies for GMs only.
Show item helpers Show item helper menus on item sheets true
Confirm batch overwrite Ask user for confirmation before applying batch overwrite(Autogenerate All,Clear All) true
Convert key to case Used for autogenerating key Upper case
Convert CSS to case Used for autogenerating CSS class Lower case
Transliterate non-latin characters When autogenerating key, any non-latin characters are transliterated into latin equivalents.
When Enforced key validation mode is checked, transliteration will be executed regardless of this setting.
Please note that using non-latin characters as key might not work in roll expressions
Use prefix/suffix for autogenerating When autogenerating a field, add prefix and suffix true
Use property data type for prefix When autogenerating a property key, use the propertys data type for prefix true
Prefix for property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is unchecked PROPERTY
Prefix for simpletext property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked TXT
Prefix for simplenumeric property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked NUM
Prefix for checkbox property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked CHK
Prefix for radio property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked RDO
Prefix for textarea property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked TXA
Prefix for list property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked LST
Prefix for label property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked LBL
Prefix for badge property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked BDG
Prefix for property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked TBL
Prefix for button property key Used for autogenerating property key when Use property data type for prefix is checked BTN
Prefix for panel key Used for autogenerating key PANEL
Prefix for multipanel key Used for autogenerating key MULTIPANEL
Prefix for group key Used for autogenerating key GROUP
Prefix for tab key Used for autogenerating key TAB
Suffix for item fontgroup Used for autogenerating CSS class FONTGROUP
Suffix for item inputgroup Used for autogenerating CSS class INPUTGROUP
Suffix for item headergroup Used for autogenerating CSS class HEADERGROUP
Suffix for item roll id Used for autogenerating roll id ROLL
Suffix for item roll name Used for autogenerating roll name Roll