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A simple create select widget for netlify-cms which allows creating entries. The create select widget's entries are up to date to the last website build. The create select can be populated by plain text file, json file, RSS feed or HTML page.


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A simple create select widget for netlify-cms which allows creating entries. The create select widget's entries are up to date to the last website build. The create select can be populated by plain text file, json file, RSS feed or HTML page.


As an npm package:

npm install --save netlify-cms-widget-create-select
import { CreatableSelectControl, CreatableSelectPreview } from 'netlify-cms-widget-create-select'

CMS.registerWidget('create-select', CreatableSelectControl, CreatableSelectPreview);

Via script tag:

<script src="^1.1.0"></script>

  CMS.registerWidget('create-select', window.CreatableSelectControl, window.CreatableSelectPreview)

How to use

Integrate with HTML page

If the built page has all the options you want in a specific html page you can scrape the options from that page.
For example let's say contains the following html page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <ol id="tag-list">
        <li class="tag" data-tag="tag-1">Tag 1</li>
        <li class="tag" data-tag="tag-2">Tag 2</li>
        <li class="tag" data-tag="tag-3">Tag 3</li>

You can query the options tag-1, tag-2, tag-3 with the following configuration

  - name: 'tags'
    label: 'Tags'
    widget: 'create-select'
    mode: 'html'
    url: ''
    query: '#tag-list > .tag'
    attribute: 'data-tag'
    multiple: true

Integrating with sitemap.xml

You can deduce the tags using the sitemap.xml file. For example if you want to match the string<tag-value>/ you can do it the following way.

- name: 'sitemap'
    label: 'Sitemap Example'
    widget: 'create-select'
    mode: 'xml'
    url: 'sitemap.xml'
    query: 'loc'
    capture: '(?<=https:\/\/www\.example\.com\/tags\/).+(?=\/\b)'
    multiple: true

Integrate with HUGO RSS feed

Many HUGO website have /tags/index.xml page with the RSS feed of the tags. An example of the structure of such files is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
    <title>Tags on Hugo Themes</title>
    <description>Recent content in Tags on Hugo Themes</description>
    <generator>Hugo --</generator>
    <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
      <pubDate>Mon, 11 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
      <pubDate>Mon, 11 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>

The RSS feed of the preview page can be used to populate the select widget. This can be done the following way.

  - name: 'tags'
    label: 'Tags'
    widget: 'create-select'
    mode: 'xml'
    url: ''
    query: 'item > title'
    multiple: true

Integrate with HUGO using custom output.

Alternativelly you can make a custom output on the page to populate the select widget.

  • Make a custom output adding the following lines in the hugo config.yaml file
          baseName: ingredients
          isPlainText: true
          mediaType: text/plain
  • add a layouts/_default/single.ingredients.txt template file to generate the select options.
    {{- $scratch := .Scratch -}}
    {{- with .Site.GetPage "/recipes" -}}
      {{- range .Pages -}}
        {{- range .Params.ingredients -}}
          {{- $scratch.Set . true -}}
        {{- end -}}
      {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
    {{- range $key, $value := $scratch.Values -}}
    {{- $key -}}{{- "\n" -}}
    {{- end -}}
  • add a markdown file with the followind front-matter. For example content/
      list: false #prevent file to be listed in sitemap.xml
    outputs: [ingredients]
  • Now when you compile the page with the command hugo there should be a file generated called public/ingredients.txt. The content of the file should be similar to the following:
    olive oil
  • You can add the followind confin in the netlify config.yml to have a select widget query from the ingredients.txt file:
      - name: 'ingredients'
        label: 'Ingredients'
        widget: 'create-select'
        url: ''
        mode: 'plain'
        multiple: true


Create-select widgets may have the following properties in addition to the defaults used by netlity.

mode - string - required

Endpoint file type possible values being "html", "xml", "json", "plain".

url - string - required

The URI of the endpoint which to request the file to populate the select options.

query - string - optional

Query to obtain the data points.

  • With xml or html modes the query is a css selector e.g. query: "div.chapter > .title". This field is required.
  • With json mode query is a dot separated chain of attributes e.g. query: "data.config.users". If not specified the root object will be used. Note that the query should give an array type.
  • With plain mode this field will be ignored.

attribute - string - optional

Attribute to use as value for each data points.

  • With xml or html modes this is an attribute of the element e.g. class, id, data-attr. If not sepcified the textContent will be used instead.
  • With mode: json query is a dot separated chain of attributes e.g. attribute: "name.firstName". If not specified the root object will be used. Note that if the attribute does not give a string type the JSON.stringify of the json will be used.
  • With plain mode this field will be ignored.

filter - string - optional

Regex for whitch the matching data point's value will be used otherwise the data point is filtered out. The filtering happens before the string is captured.

capture - string - optional

Regex for whitch the matching content will be used by the widget. E.g. capture: "(?<=https:\\/\\/www\\.example\\.com\\/tags\\/).+(?=\\/)" to capture tag1 from the value
If there is no match the data point will be removed.

multiple - boolean - optional Allow multiple entries.

min - number - optional Minimum number of entries.

max - number - optional Maximum number of entries.


For help with this widget, open an issue.


A simple create select widget for netlify-cms which allows creating entries. The create select widget's entries are up to date to the last website build. The create select can be populated by plain text file, json file, RSS feed or HTML page.








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