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Andr3as edited this page Nov 26, 2017 · 12 revisions

Use SSH Keys For Authentication

  1. sudo -Hu apache ssh-keygen -t rsa
    i. You may have to change apache with your webserver user
  2. sudo cat /var/www/.ssh/
  3. Add your key to Github
  4. Test your connection: sudo -Hu apache ssh -T
  5. Use it...
    (For more details: Check Github Help and this)


Q: I want to add a general config for every repository like http.sslVerify = false?
A: Add your config to config.php
(A: Or use Codiad-Terminal to edit your git config)


Q: Why does I always get the response "Failed to change permissions of shell program"?

A: has to be executable. The script tries to make it executable if it is not. But if it fails, you have to do this.

Q: What does "Please install shell program!" mean?

A: To handle authentication processes CodeGit depends either on Expect (Shell) or Pexpect (Python). Check if one of them is installed and if the config in config.php is correct. See next question for additional informations.

Q: I installed pexpect but I still get the message "Please install shell program!"

A: You may need to install pexpect with your webserver user (apache, www-data, ...)
sudo -Hu apache pip install pexpect

Q: Commit messages with non-latin characters get escaped or removed?

A: Config apache to use the system default locale as LANG environment variable.

  • For debian: Uncomment #. /etc/default/locale in /etc/apache2/envvars