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Examples (v1.5.3 and older)

Andre_601 edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

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This page lists some examples you may want to use for your proxy or server.

Feel free to suggest additional examples on my Discord Server in the #advancedserverlist channel.

Table of Contents


Some examples about version-related things.

Different List for outdated Clients

You may want to display a separate MOTD or text for incompatible client versions.
This example here shows a separate MOTD and player count message for when the player's client version is older than what the server supports.

priority: 1

# Display this profile, if the version of the player is below 760 (1.19.1)
- '${player protocol} < 760'

- '<red>You are using an outdated client!'
- '<red>Please update to 1.19.1 to join.'

playerCount: '<red>Outdated Client!'

Different MOTD for < 1.16

This profile would display a MOTD without HEX colours if the player's version is below 735 (1.16).

priority: 1

# Display this profile, if the version of the player is below 735 (1.16)
- '${player protocol} < 735'

- '<grey>Welcome to <aqua></aqua>!'
- '<grey>Enjoy your stay.'


Examples that can be used with the Spigot or PaperMC version.

Different profile for banned Player

Displays a separate profile for when the player has been banned from the server.

priority: 1

- '${player isBanned} = true'

- '<red>You have been <bold>BANNED</bold>!'
- '<red>Go away.'

# Don't show the player count to the banned player.
hidePlayers: true


Some misc examples.

Different profile for different host

Display a different profile when the playing pings a specific domain/IP.

priority: 1

- '${server host} ='

- '<grey>Please use <aqua>'
- '<grey>to join our server.'

Different profile for known player

Display a different profile, if the player pinging the server is "known" by AdvancedServerList (Has joined before with the same IP).

priority: 1

- `${player name} != Anonymous` # "Anonymous" should be replaced with whatever you use in 'unknown_player'

- '<grey>Hello there <aqua>${player name}</aqua>!'
- '<grey>It's nice to see you again.'

# There is some weird behaviour/bug that requires us to close these tags
# for each line...
- '<grey>Welcome back <aqua>${player name}</aqua>!</grey>'
- '<grey></grey>'
- '<grey>Come and join <aqua>${server playersOnline}</aqua></grey>'
- '<aqua>other players</aqua> <grey>on the Server!</grey>'