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Create a simple application (Kotlin or Swift depending on the platform) that fetches X topmost contributors (eg 25) for popular GitHub repository (eg ruby or whatever one choses) using GitHub APIs Present them in a list sorted by some criteria, eg number of commits

For each row, show the avatar, user name, number of commits + a button (or anything that acts like a button) which should open a map to show user’s public location if such info is available. For the map, please use any available SDK – Google Maps or others the candidate most comfortable with

Implement the tests to the level one thinks is necessary

Use whatever application architecture you think is suitable. The same goes for the use of 3rd party libraries – use them if you think it makes sense

Nothing too fancy is expected but the task should demonstrate candidate’s abilities and coding practices to the best

Do NOT spend too much time on the test, let’s limit it to 2 to 2.30 hours maximum. Please provide your thoughts and approaches in case you are out of time.

Please send a private github link over, thank you!


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