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Contains stimuli, data, and scripts for a paper on the audience segmentation of the Australian public.

Study 2 was pre-registered using the Open Science Framework (

Repository Structure


Note that the numbers assigned to studies differs from the paper. Studies are listed chronologically. The first study is presented in the supplement. The second study of the repository is the first study of the paper. The third study of this repository is the second study of the paper.

study-1: Free list study to pilot the mental model scales. Presented in the supplementary materials.

study-2: Audience segmentation Q sort alongside surveys of psychological characteristics (including mental models). Presented as Study 1 in the paper.

study-3: Audience segmentation Q sort alongside belief-updating tasks. Presented as Study 2 in the paper.

File Structure

codebook: For qualitative data analysis, codebooks were required to standardise participant responses. There are only codebooks for study-1 and study-4.

data: Rawest version of anonymised data available.

out: Figures and output files for examination or inclusion in a manuscript.

paper: Assets from chapter.

scripts: Analysis scripts.

study1, study2, study3: Stimuli and Qualtrics surveys (in .QSF file for easy import) for each study.



R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

Attached packages

ggpubr (0.3.0), kableExtra (1.1.0), lme4 (1.1-17), doParallel (1.0.14), iterators (1.0.10), glmnet (2.0-18), foreach (1.4.4), Matrix (1.2-14), forcats (0.5.0), stringr (1.4.0), dplyr (0.8.5), purrr (0.3.4), readr (1.3.1), tidyr (1.0.2), tibble (3.0.1), ggplot2 (3.3.1), tidyverse (1.3.0), RGenData (1.0), psych (1.8.4), qmethod (1.5.4).

All packages

ggpubr (0.3.0), kableExtra (1.1.0), lme4 (1.1-17), doParallel (1.0.14), iterators (1.0.10), glmnet (2.0-18), foreach (1.4.4), Matrix (1.2-14), forcats (0.5.0), stringr (1.4.0), dplyr (0.8.5), purrr (0.3.4), readr (1.3.1), tidyr (1.0.2), tibble (3.0.1), ggplot2 (3.3.1), tidyverse (1.3.0), RGenData (1.0), psych (1.8.4), qmethod (1.5.4), httr (1.4.1), jsonlite (1.6.1), viridisLite (0.3.0), splines (3.5.0), carData (3.0-3), modelr (0.1.8), assertthat (0.2.1), blob (1.2.1), cellranger (1.1.0), yaml (2.1.19), pillar (1.4.4), backports (1.1.6), lattice (0.20-35), glue (1.4.1), digest (0.6.25), ggsignif (0.6.0), rvest (0.3.5), GPArotation (2014.11-1), minqa (1.2.4), colorspace (1.4-1), htmltools (0.4.0), pkgconfig (2.0.3), broom (0.5.6), haven (2.2.0), xtable (1.8-3), scales (1.1.1), webshot (0.5.1), openxlsx (4.1.4), rio (0.5.16), car (3.0-7), generics (0.0.2), ellipsis (0.3.1), withr (2.2.0), cli (2.0.2), mnormt (1.5-5), magrittr (1.5), crayon (1.3.4), readxl (1.3.1), evaluate (0.14), fs (1.4.1), fansi (0.4.1), nlme (3.1-137), MASS (7.3-49), rstatix (0.6.0), xml2 (1.3.2), foreign (0.8-71), data.table (1.11.6), tools (3.5.0), hms (0.5.3), lifecycle (0.2.0), munsell (0.5.0), reprex (0.3.0), zip (2.0.4), compiler (3.5.0), rlang (0.4.6), grid (3.5.0), nloptr (1.0.4), rstudioapi (0.11), rmarkdown (2.2), gtable (0.3.0), codetools (0.2-15), abind (1.4-5), curl (3.2), DBI (1.0.0), R6 (2.4.1), lubridate (1.7.4), knitr (1.28), stringi (1.1.7), Rcpp (, vctrs (0.2.4), dbplyr (1.4.4), tidyselect (1.1.0), xfun (0.14), doRNG (1.8.2), rngtools (1.5)


All .SVG files were created with Inkscape and converted to .tex files.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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