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An npm package that helps mocking Recoil states during tests.

Tested with Recoil 0.7.4 and Jest 28.1. It may not work with other testing frameworks. Help us improve it!

Usage with Jest

Setting up

First install by:

npm install -D recoil-mock

In your jest.config.js, map recoil to recoil-mock. This makes any Recoil state in your codebase mockable.

"moduleNameMapper": {
  "^recoil$": "recoil-mock"

Mocking Recoil atoms

In each test case, call createRecoilMockWrapper to create a pair of a mock context and a wrapper that wraps your component with a customized RecoilRoot.

The mock context provides methods set, clear and clearAll to modify mocked value of any Recoil atom or selector.

import { act, render } from "@testing-library/react";
import { createRecoilMockWrapper } from "recoil-mock";

const fooAtom = atom({ key: "foo", default: "foo" });
// App for testing
const MyApp = () => {
  const foo = useRecoilValue(fooAtom);
  return <div>foo is {foo}</div>;

test("mock Recoil atom", async () => {
  const { context, wrapper } = createRecoilMockWrapper();
  context.set(fooAtom, "bar");
  const { findByText } = render(<MyApp />, { wrapper });
  // The mocked value is applied
  await findByText("foo is bar");

  // If you update mocked value after rendering, you should wrap it in an `act` call.
  act(() => {
    context.set(fooAtom, "pika!");
  // Your app should have reflected to the update here.
  await findByText("foo is pika!");

Mocking Recoil selectors

With recoil-mock, you can mock selectors as well. You can apply mocked values directly to any selector without touching its dependencies. When a selector is mocked, its dependencies are not evaluated.

import { act, render } from "@testing-library/react";
import { createRecoilMockWrapper } from "recoil-mock";

const fooAtom = atom({ key: "foo", default: "foo" });
const barAtom = atom({ key: "bar", default: "bar" });
const fooBarSelector = selector({
  key: "fooBar",
  get: ({ get }) => get(fooAtom) + get(barAtom),
// App for testing
const MyApp = () => {
  const fooBar = useRecoilValue(fooBarSelector);
  return <div>fooBar is {fooBar}</div>;

test("mock Recoil selector", async () => {
  const { context, wrapper } = createRecoilMockWrapper();
  context.set(fooBarSelector, "pika!");
  const { findByText } = render(<MyApp />, { wrapper });
  // The mocked value is applied
  await findByText("fooBar is pika!");

Mocking atom/selector families

When you want to mock an atom family or a selector family, you mock individual atoms/selectors created by the family.

import { act, render } from "@testing-library/react";
import { createRecoilMockWrapper } from "recoil-mock";

const fooAtom = atom({
  key: "foo",
  default: "foo",
const repeatedFooFamily = selectorFamily({
  key: "repeatedFooFamily",
  get: (times) => ({ get }) => get(fooAtom).repeat(times),
// App for testing
const MyApp = () => {
  const repeatedFoo = useRecoilValue(repeatedFooFamily(3));
  return <div>repeatedFoo is {repeatedFoo}</div>;

test("mock Recoil selector family", async () => {
  const { context, wrapper } = createRecoilMockWrapper();
  const { findByText } = render(<MyApp />, { wrapper });
  await findByText("repeatedFoo is foofoofoo");

  act(() => {
    context.set(repeatedFooFamily(3), "pika!");
  // The mocked value is applied
  await findByText("repeatedFoo is pika!");

For maintainers

How to publish a new version

Just build and publish locally. 😅




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  • TypeScript 75.3%
  • JavaScript 24.7%