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TylerNethery1994 edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Alpha-Learning wiki!

Sprint 1 Retrospective
Stories planned: 17
Stories completed: 2
Sprint success: 12%

  • What went well:
    Feed page framework completed along with a basic login page and system.
    We also finalized our static directories.

  • What went wrong:
    We could have worked better as team.
    Some members were unable to complete their tasks.
    There was a learning a curve at the beginning for the MEAN stack implementation.

  • How can we improve:
    Planning more team meetings on campus to work together on the project.
    Manage our time spent working on the project more efficiently.
    Spend more time reviewing the MEAN stack.
    Set time management standards for completion of stories.

The Other Team - Sprint 2 plan

Define Sprint Goal (4 Weeks):

For our second sprint, The Other Team will working towards better team work and most to all basic functions working. Our main goal for this sprint is to have a nearly complete project for an exciting demo.

Our first priority will be ensuring that the task given to each team member will be in a somewhat working order for the presentation of our demo at the end of the 4th week.

After all task are completed we will then begin to work on linking them all together to make a Beta for our site.

Determine Team Capacity:

Each member will work 4 hours outside of class With 4 members this will give us 16 hours total per week

With some task being more strenuous that others these task will be a top priority. With our S,C,W task being put on the backburner until they are complete.

Prepare Sprint Backlog:

1 hr. Sprint planning team

3 hr. Sprint daily meetings –Team

10 hrs. Networking - Andrew/ Tim

12 hrs. Discussion or objectives – Team

8 hrs. Desisn of site features – Doug /Tyler

30 hrs. Assigned task – Team