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AndrewRook committed Jun 24, 2016
2 parents 46c9c26 + ce6b3fb commit 544b2b2
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160 changes: 39 additions & 121 deletions README.rst
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A package designed to compute Win Percentage (WP) for NFL plays.

Installation Instructions

1. Installing nfldb (optional)
These steps are only necessary if you want to re-build the model or
use nfldb as your data source. Most of these instructions can be found on the nfldb page, but
I've repeated them here in the order I followed them (on Mac OS 10.10).

Installing Postgres
I had an old install kicking around, so I first had to clean that up.
Since I was using Homebrew::

$ brew uninstall -force postgresql
$ rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres/ # where I'd installed the prior DB

Then install a fresh version::
$ brew update
$ brew install postgresql

Start Postgres and Create a Default DB
You can choose to run Postgres at startup, but I don't use it that
often so I choose not to do those steps - I just run it in the
foreground with this command::

$ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

Or in the background with this command::
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start

If you don't create a default database based on your username,
launching Postgres will fail with a ``psql: FATAL: database
"USERNAME" does not exist`` error::

$ createdb `whoami`

Check that the install and configuration went well by launching
Postgres as your default user::

$ psql
psql (9.5.2)
Type "help" for help.


Next, add a password::

superuser password';

Edit the ``pg_hba.conf``file found in your database (in this case
``/usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf``), and change all instances of
``trust`` to ``md5``.

Create nfldb Postgres User and Database
Start by making a user::

$ createuser -U USERNAME -E -P nfldb

where you replace ``USERNAME`` with your actual username. Make up a
new password. Then make the nfldb database::

$ createdb -U USERNAME -O nfldb nfldb

You'll need to enter the password for the USERNAME account. Next, add
the fuzzy string matching extension::

$ psql -U USERNAME -c 'CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;' nfldb

You should now be able to connect the nfldb user to the nfldb

$ psql -U nfldb nfldb

From this point you should be able to follow along with the
instructions from `nfldb

2. Setting up Your Environment
If you're going to use ``nfldb`` to get your game data, it's critical
to complete part 1 **before** moving to this part, or else you may
find weird things are broken (for instance, having to
uninstall/reinstall ``psycopg2``).

2a. Developers
Pretty simple - get ``conda``, then::

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

2b. Users
This will depend on whether or not you want the nfldb dependencies.

3. Running Tests
``NFLWin`` uses ``pytest`` to run unit tests. You can invoke ``pytest``
like so::

$ ./

This will run the test suite on all modules and print out the results
as well as a coverage report. If you have ``nfldb`` properly installed
and wish to run additional tests specifically relating to querying the
database (will take longer), use the ``-d`` flag::

$ ./ -d


|Build Status| |Doc Status|

Estimate Win Probability (WP) for plays in NFL games:

.. code-block:: python
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from nflwin.model import WPModel
>>> standard_model = WPModel.load_model()
>>> plays = pd.DataFrame({
... "quarter": ["Q1", "Q2", "Q4"],
... "seconds_elapsed": [0, 0, 600],
... "offense_team": ["NYJ", "NYJ", "NE"],
... "yardline": [-20, 20, 35],
... "down": [1, 3, 3],
... "yards_to_go": [10, 2, 10],
... "home_team": ["NYJ", "NYJ", "NYJ"],
... "away_team": ["NE", "NE", "NE"],
... "curr_home_score": [0, 0, 21],
... "curr_away_score": [0, 0, 10]
... })
>>> standard_model.predict_wp(plays)
array([ 0.58300397, 0.64321796, 0.18195466])
For full documentation, including information about methods and accuracy, click `here <>`_.

MIT. See `license file <LICENSE>`_.

.. |Build Status| image::
:alt: Build Status
.. |Doc Status| image::
:alt: Documentation Status
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Empty file added doc/.nojekyll
Empty file.

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