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Command Line parser requirements

  • Written in C# so command line arguments come in a string array.
  • All arguments are switches some of those come with vaules (value switches) and some do not (binary switches)
  • Values in value switches are never optional. Values do not start with '-' or '/'
  • Every element of the input array of a conforming command line belongs to a switch (or its value). That is there are no commands, just switches.
  • An example of binary switch: -a; an example of value switch: -b fidget
  • Switches start with either - (but not --) or / - those are treated the same
  • Switches can have two forms representing the same switch, the short form was shown above the long form start with --. Example: --thingamabob bleh
  • Both binary and value switches can have a long or a short form
  • Switches can have either long or short form or both
  • Several short switches can be comnibed into one: -abcd. This combination cannot contain more than one value switch.
  • There are four types of value switches: integer (non-negative), string, list (e.g --servers server1 server2 server3) and quoted list.
  • Quoted list looks like this: --switches-to-pass-through "-a something -b -c".
  • The quoted part will be sent as a single array element to the C# program from command line. Note that quotes themselves are not passed by OS to the argument list.
  • Whatever is inside the quoted list value does not need to be paresed further.
  • It expected that the parser is aware of the type of every switch, so that if it's a value switch it will know to treat the subsequent input array item as the switch argument (or several argurments for list switches).


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