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AndreyMrovol edited this page Jan 5, 2024 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the LethalRichPresence wiki!

LethalRichPresence is a mod for Lethal Company that adds Discord Rich Presence support. It allows you to display information about the game you're playing on Discord. It also allows you to join other players' games from Discord.


The recommended way to install LethalRichPresence is to use Thunderstore. You can also download the latest release from GitHub.


LethalRichPresence uses a configuration file to define details displayed by Rich Presence. You can find it in BepInEx/config/LethalRichPresence.cfg. See more about configuration.


LethalRichPresence uses placeholders to display information about the game you're playing. See more about placeholders.


In orbit In game Main menu Fired sequence


I created this mod to address missing features in other Rich Presence mods, namely LethalCompanyDRP by Giltong and Discord Rich Presence by squidypal. Here's a comparison of features:

Feature LethalRichPresence LethalCompanyDRP Discord Rich Presence
Display current planet 🟒 🟑 (small image) πŸ”΄
Modded moons support 🟒 πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄
Display current weather 🟒 πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄
Display current quota 🟒 🟒 🟒
Display collected scrap 🟒 πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄
Display time left 🟒 🟒 🟒
Display number of players 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄
Allow joining from Discord 🟒 πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄
Configurable game details 🟒 πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄
Configurable Discord App ID 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄


LethalRichPresence is licensed under the MIT License.


If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to fork this repo and create a pull request. You can also create an issue if you have any suggestions or found a bug.


Thanks to CDAGaming for Minecraft's CraftPresence mod, which was a major inspiration for me to create this mod.

This project uses LethalCompanyTemplate, licensed under MIT License.

Thanks to Giltong for the original plugin, I couldn't have learned the basics without it. Mod's Github page

Thanks to tinyhoot for the ShipLoot mod, which modified calculations I use for counting the loot values (licensed under MIT license).

Thanks to all the people suggesting changes, reporting bugs and testing the mod!