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cerUB - Protocols for exploring archaeometric data (R package)

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@Andros-Spica Andros-Spica released this 10 Nov 10:05
· 6 commits to master since this release

Authors: Andreas Angourakis and Verònica Martínez Ferreras

This package allows the user to apply four protocols of multivariate statistics for exploring archaeometric data, including geochemical and mineralogical compositions, and semi-quantitative petrographic characterizations. Protocols wrap several methods used in Geology and Ecology, relying on ade4 and vegan packages.

The binaries were generated in Windows 7 with R 3.4.1.

update log:


True 'eps' generation. More exhaustive checks and simpler default arguments in clean_and_format function.

Angourakis, Andreas, & Martínez Ferreras, Verònica. (2017, September 23). cerUB - Protocols for exploring archaeometric data (R package). Zenodo.