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Initial release for ludum dare 55

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@Andy16823 Andy16823 released this 15 Apr 11:40
· 2 commits to main since this release

This is my contribution to the Ludum Dare 55. I developed the game using my own framework GFX. My goal was to test the performance of the framework and identify potential improvements. Another goal was to create a navigation mesh and find the optimal path using the A* algorithm, which I did successfully. Finally, I integrated 2D lighting into my framework, which is generated using screen space lightmaps.

In the three days, here's what I accomplished:

  • Day 1: Created the project and the navigation grid for pathfinding using the A* algorithm.
  • Day 2: Added the function to generate Screen Space Lightmaps in my framework, finalized most of the game mechanics, and created some sprites using Aesprite.
  • Day 3: Completed the remaining game mechanics, developed a launcher, and made preparations for the release.