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Angeschossen edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 22 revisions

Messages file: /plugins/<plugin>/Language You can place multiple locales in the plugin's "Language" folder to display different locales depending on the player's locale.

Display a Message

As a Title

Just add #t# in front of the message.
Example: pvp-warning: '#t#[config]in:10,stay:60,out:5[/config]&cYou entered a pvp zone.[newline]Subtitle (optional)[newline]Actionbar (optional)'
Whereas in is the fade in time, stay the stay time and out the fade out time. These are provided in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) and are optional. This title would fade in half a second, stay for 3 seconds and fade out for 0.25 seconds. The times in this example are the default ones.

As an Actionbar

Just add #a# in front of the message.
Example: pvp-warning: '#a#&cYou entered a pvp zone.'

As a Bossbar

Just add #b# in front of the message.
Example: pvp-warning: '#b#[config]color:green,style:solid,time:6[/config]&cYou entered a pvp zone.'
Whereas color, style and time are optional configuration options. This bossbar would be solid, green and would last 6 seconds. Click here to see a list of available colors.

Hex Colors

You can use hex colors by inserting them in this format: {hex}
Example: {#4287f5}


You can use placeholders from 3rd party plugins via PlaceholderAPI in chat messages and GUI menus.

Clickable Chat Messages

You can make every chat message clickable. Means you can set a hover, command or suggested command (copy to cmd input). Please note that this is not applicable to general strings like prefix etc.

How to configure custom text:

  1. Syntax for custom text:
    [T]Custom text[/T]

  2. Hover:
    [T]Custom text[H]This is a hover[/H][/T]

  3. Command:

  • Execute command:
    [T]Custom text[H]This is a hover[/H][C]Lands help[/C][/T]

  • Suggest command:
    [T]Custom text[H]This is a hover[/H][SC]Lands help[/SC][/T]

Example Usage:

    [T]&7Player&3 {player} &7invited you to join their land&2 {land}&7.[H]&7Click to open your invites menu.[/H][C]lands invites[/C][/T] &7Taxes:&c 

      [T]&2Accept &8[&8CLICK&8][H]&7Click here to accept this invite.[/H][C]lands accept {land}[/C][/T]
      [T]&cDeny &8[&8CLICK&8][H]&7Click here to deny this invite.[/H][C]lands deny {land}[/C][/T]

Will display as:

Result of the example above.

Disable messages

Example: Disabling land enter messages in Lands:

  land: '#t#&2&l{land}[newline]&3{title}'
  safezone: '#t#&2&l{land}[newline]{title}'

Set them to a empty string:

  land: ''
  safezone: ''

The welcome messages won't display anymore.

Disable the prefix for a specific Message

Just insert [noprefix] in front of the message. Example:

      info: |
        &7&m━━━━━━━━━<━&r &5&lRent Area &7&m━>━━━━━━━━━
        [T]&7Land:&a {land} &8[&8CLICK&8][H]&7Click here to visualize this area.[/H][C]lands view here[/C][/T]
         &7Area:&6 {area}
         &7Cost:&c {cost} &7each {time}
         &8Max time: {max}
        &7&m━━━━━━━━━<━&r &5&lRent Area &7&m━>━━━━━━━━━

Filter Swear Words and forbidden Names

Edit the 'swear-words' list in your language file. They are case-insensitive. Example:

  - 'test'
  - 'test2'