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Please note: Presentable is a work in progress and there may be some code flux at this time. Most of the fundamentals have been setup and the tool is in a usable state.


Presentable is a high level framework to implement a Model View Presenter (MVP) and Clean inspired architecture for Java, Android and iOS applications.

Presentable aims to achieve this by producing reusable and translatable domain models, core functionality and business logic across a variety of platforms, with Java as the base language.

This tool weighs up the learnings from cross platform tools like Xamarin.


Strong contracts between layers

Interface between UI <--> Presenter <--> InterActor

Developers can make the choice to replace the InterActor with a Model and follow MVP strictly. It is your choice though.

High level lifecycle binding

There are only 2 lifecycle events exposed to the Presentation layer: binding and unbinding. These events are intentionally generalised and are as simple as possible. This prevents shoehorning different lifecycles provided by different UI components and platforms. If there are other lifecycle events that need to be used, these can simply be exposed as a method through your contracts.

Framework and design decisions


An interface that provides all contracts between application layers for your UI component or screen. This keeps all interfaces between application layers in a single place. Base interfaces have been provided for all layers.


Info coming soon


Info coming soon


Info coming soon

Naming choices

Naming is hard. Quite often things are lost in translation when there's different understandings of words. Here's a breakdown of some naming choices:

InterActor vs Interactor

An 'inter-actor' sits in between two components, as with the Clean architecture interactor. The term can be confused and the intentional uppercasing of the 'A' in actor helps emphasise the meaning.


It stores and retrieves something. This is not restricted to databases, and can include data provided by APIs, epiphermal stores, preference stores, etc.



The core, pure java implementation of the framework


Info coming soon


Android specific implementations


Info coming soon, to be developed

Replayable code generation

Info coming soon


The framework is inspired by and based on: