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Max Narvaez edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 10 revisions



The AnimatedLEDStrip project started as a project for the Software Design class at St. Olaf College in spring 2018. Originally, it was a C++ library for Arduinos that expanded on the well-known FastLED library. That fall, for the Parallel and Distributed Computing class, the project was ported to Kotlin and Raspberry Pis and incorporated multithreading. It was later expanded to support multiple platforms.


Manages all the managers that communicate with the LED strip, run animations, manage sections of the strip, etc.

Structures how to specify the parameters for a new animation, such as the animation to run, how many times to run it, and many other parameters, including ones specific to the animation being run. The parameters in this class are mutable.

Structure for specifying the parameters used by a currently running animation. The parameters in this class are immutable.

Handles sending data to the LEDs. A NativeLEDStrip handles the translation to the hardware-level communication with the strip using device-specific libraries.

A structure for holding a set of colors for the whole LED strip.

A structure for setting properties for creating the LED strip such as number of LEDs, pin, among others.

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