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Anirban Bhattacharjee edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the DeploymentAutomation wiki!

Trends of the businesses today are to move their infrastructure to the cloud environment, to reduce the IT budgets and increase regulatory control. Industries aim to deploy and deliver new applications and services rapidly, along with the ability to scale their applications horizontally and vertically to meet customer demands. Reliance on the old school IT management and administration have left a legacy of poor manageability and inflexible infrastructure. The DevOps community provides tools for deployment, management, and orchestration of complex, distributed cloud applications.Despite these benefits, the developers must possess substantial domain expertise to create provision and management environments in an abstracted script-centric way. To address these challenges while exploiting vendor agnostic approaches, we present a model-driven approach that is compliant with the TOSCA specification where the users will make their business-relevant models without domain expertise. We have defined a metamodel for a domain specific language (DSL) using WebGME to abstract the business-relevant application requirements from the fully deployable infrastructure-as-code solutions, which can deploy, run, and manage the applications in the cloud environment. In summary, our work is focused on the realization of a high-performance deployment and management platform for cloud applications with emphasis on extensibility, (re)usability, and scalability.

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