Set of all programs and their algorithms as prescribed by KTU 2019 syllabus for CSE S3 Object-Oriented Programming using Java
- Java program to check whether a given number is prime or not
- Java program that checks whether a given string is palindrome or not
- Java program to find frequency of character in a string
- Java program to reverse any given string
- Java program to find second smallest element in an array
- Java program to multiply 2 matrices
- Java program to display transpose of a matrix
- Java program to calculate area of shapes
- Java program to understand inheritance
- Java program to understand method overriding
- Java program to create an abstract class
- Java program to illustrate interface inheritance
- Java program to demonstrate use of garbage collector
- File handling in java with reader/writer
- Java program to read a file and display a file on screen with line number.
- Java program that displays the number of characters, lines and words in a text file
- Java program that reads data from file and writes to it by handling all file related exception
- Java program that uses string tokenizer
- Java program that shows the usage of try, catch, throws and finally
- Java program that shows how to create a user defined exception
- Java program that implements a multi-threaded program
- Java program that shows thread synchronization
- Java program to create two threads
- Java program that shows thread priorities
- Java program that allows user to draw lines, rectangles, and ovals
- Java program for handling mouse events
- Java program for handling key events using adapter class
- Java swing program to print a waveform on output screen
- Java program that works as a simple calculator
- Java program that simulates traffic light
- Java program that implements a doubly linked list
- Java program that implements binary search algorithm
- Java program that implements quick sort algorithm
- Java program that implements heap sort algorithm
Note: All programs are written in Java 18.0.1 and tested on JDK 18.0.1 Note: In cycles 1, 2, & 5 internal lab exams were conducted and are separetely uploaded in the repository
- Clone the repository
- go to the directory of the program you want to run
- Open the terminal in that directory
- Type
javac <filename>.java
to compile the program - Then type
java <filename>
to run the program - If you want to run the program with input, type
java <filename> < input.txt
in the terminal - If you want to run the program with output, type
java <filename> > output.txt
in the terminal - If any Issues, feel free to open an issue or contact me at my email
Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue or a pull request to contribute.
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