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Graphics processing unit accelerated ice flow solver for unstructured meshes using the Shallow Shelf Approximation


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This study aims to provide a graphics processing unit accelerated ice flow solver for unstructured meshes using the Shallow Shelf Approximation.

This repository relates to the original research article published in the Geoscientific Model Development journal:

    AUTHOR = {Sandip, A. and R\"ass, L. and Morlighem, M.},
    TITLE = {Graphics processing unit accelerated ice flow solver for unstructured meshes using the Shallow Shelf Approximation (FastIceFlo v1.0)},
    JOURNAL = {Geoscientific Model Development},
    VOLUME = {17},
    YEAR = {2024},
    NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {899-909},
    URL = {},
    DOI = {10.5194/gmd-17-899-2024}

2-D Shallow shelf approximation (SSA)

We employ SSA to solve the momentum balance to predict ice-sheet flow:

$\nabla \cdot \left(2 H \mu \dot{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}} \right) = \rho g H\nabla s + \alpha^2 {\bf v}$ ,

where $H$ is the ice thickness distribution, $\mu$ the dynamic ice viscosity, $\dot{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}}$ the effective strain rate, $\rho$ the ice density, $g$ the gravitational acceleration, $s$ glacier's upper surface z-coordinate and $\alpha^2 {\bf v}$ is the basal friction.

As boundary conditions, we apply water pressure at the ice front $\Gamma_{\sigma}$, and non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on the other boundaries $\Gamma_u$ (based on observed velocity).

Pseudo-transient (PT) method

We reformulate the 2-D SSA steady-state momentum balance equations to incorporate the usually ignored inertial terms:

$\nabla \cdot \left(2 H \mu \dot{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}}_{SSA} \right) -\rho g H\nabla s - \alpha^2 {\bf v} = \rho H\frac{\partial \bf v}{\partial \tau}$ ,

which allows us to turn the steady-state equations into transient diffusion of velocities $v_{x,y}$. The velocity-time derivatives represent physically motivated expressions we can further use to iteratively reach a steady state, thus the solution of the system.

Weak form

The weak form (assuming homogeneous Dirichlet conditions along all model boundaries for simplicity) reads:

$\forall {\bf w}\in {\mathcal H}^1\left(\Omega\right)$ ,

$\int_\Omega {\rho} H\frac{\partial {\bf v}}{\partial \tau} \cdot {\bf w} d\Omega$ + $\int_\Omega 2 H {\mu} \dot{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}} : \dot{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}}_{w} d\Omega$ =

$\int_\Omega - \rho g H \nabla s \cdot {\bf w} - \alpha^2 {\bf v} \cdot {\bf w} d\Omega$

where ${\mathcal H}^1\left(\Omega\right)$ is the space of square-integrable functions whose first derivatives are also square integrable.

Once discretized using the finite-element method, the matrix system to solve is:

$\boldsymbol{M} \dot{\bf V} + \boldsymbol{K}{\bf V} = \boldsymbol{F}$ ,

where $\boldsymbol{M}$ is the mass matrix, $\boldsymbol{K}$ is the stiffness matrix, $\boldsymbol{F}$ is the right hand side or load vector, and ${\bf V}$ is the vector of ice velocity.

For every nonlinear PT iteration, we compute the rate of change in velocity $\dot{\bf v}$ and the explicit CFL time step $\Delta \tau$. We then deploy the reformulated 2D SSA momentum balance equations to update ice velocity $\bf v$ followed by ice viscosity $\mu_{eff}$. We iterate in pseudo-time until the stopping criterion is met.

Steps to run the code

Step 1: Generate glacier model configurations

To test the performance of the PT method beyond simple idealized geometries, we apply it to two regional-scale glaciers: Jakobshavn Isbræ, in western Greenland, and Pine IslandGlacier, in west Antarctica.

To generate the glacier model configurations, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Install ISSM and download the datasets
  2. Run runme.m script to generate the Jakobshavn Isbræ or Pine Island Glacier models
  3. Save the .mat file and corresponding .bin file

Step 2: Hardware implementation

We developed a CUDA C implementation to solve the SSA equations using the PT approach on unstructured meshes. We choose a stopping criterion of $||v^{old} - v||_{\infty}$ < 10 m $yr^{-1}$. To execute on a NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU and view results, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Transfer the .bin file generated along with files in src folder to a directory on a system hosting a (recent) Nvidia CUDA-capable GPU (here shown for a Tesla V100)
  3. Plug in the damping parameter $\gamma$, non-linear viscosity relaxation scalar $\theta_{\mu}$ and relaxation $\theta_v$ for the chosen glacier model configuration and spatial resolution
  4. Compile the routine
nvcc -arch=sm_70 -O3 -lineinfo  -Ddmp=$damp -Dstability=$vel_rela -Drela=$visc_rela
  1. Run the generated executable ./a.out
  2. Along with a .txt file that stores the computational time, effective memory throughput and the PT iterations to meet stopping criterion, a .outbin file will be generated.
  3. Save the .outbin file
Jakobshavn Isbræ number of vertices $\gamma$ $\theta_v$ $\theta_{\mu}$ Block size
44229 0.98 0.99 3e-2 128
164681 0.987 0.98 7e-2 128
393771 0.99 0.99 1e-1 1024
667729 0.992 0.999 1e-1 1024
10664257 0.998 0.999 1e-1 1024
Pine Island Glacier number of vertices $\gamma$ $\theta_v$ $\theta_{\mu}$ Block size
14460 0.98 0.6 1e-1 128
35646 0.99 0.49 8e-2 256
69789 0.991 0.99 2e-2 512
1110705 0.998 0.995 1e-2 1024

Table 1. Optimal combination of damping parameter $\gamma$, non-linear viscosity relaxation scalar $\theta_{\mu}$ and relaxation $\theta_v$ to maintain the linear scaling and solution stability for the glacier model configurations and DoFs listed. Optimal block size was chosen to minimize wall time.

Step 3: Post-processing

To extract and plot the ice velocity distribution, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Transfer .mat file and the .outbin files generated from steps 1 and 2 to a directory in MATLAB
  2. Activate the ISSM environment
  3. Execute the following statements in the MATLAB command window: Matlab load "insert name of .mat file here" = 'output'; md=loadresultsfromdisk(md, 'output.outbin'); plotmodel(md,'data',sqrt(md.results.PTsolution.Vx.^2 + md.results.PTsolution.Vy.^2));
  4. View results


For questions, comments and discussions please post in the FastIceFlo discussions discussions forum.


Graphics processing unit accelerated ice flow solver for unstructured meshes using the Shallow Shelf Approximation





