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Pomodoro Technique With IoT

Anniegavr edited this page Jun 1, 2023 · 1 revision

As part of the application's idea is to help students work efficiently and equilibrate resting with study time, I included a small IoT system that shall enable student to only have a button and a led in front of them in order to keep track of the time they spent focusing (and no phone).

The system consist of 3 main parts:

  • An ESP32 board (with all extensions needed);
  • A led (with a resistor for it);
  • A button.

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The students shall press the button to start the study timer and the led shall light up. Then, for 20 minutes, they shall only focus on their work. After this time passes, the led and the study timer shall turn off, to let the students know that the time for concentration has passed and they are free to go for a break for the next 10 minutes. A post request is sent to the application to record the time spent on the assignment. When these 10 minutes pass, the led shall start blinking, until the student presses the button, to start a new study timer, or until the led has blinked for 20 times. This is a cycle.

To connect the circuit, the students shall simply plug it in with a USB to any power source offering no more than 5V output (so either connect the circuit to a laptop port, for instance, or use the socket adapter that our gadgets use, as well, to plug in and charge).