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Tutorial - CHR Constraint Handling Rules - Basics

1. Contents

  • Getting

  • Helpful Utilities

2. Basics

Here’s our salt water example again:

:- use_module(library(chr)).                         (1)

:- chr_constraint salt/0, water/0, salt_water/0.     (2)

salt,water <=> salt_water.                           (3)

?- salt, water.                                      (4)
salt_water.                                          (5)

  1. use_module CHR

  2. define three chr_constraints, objects to put in the constraint store.

  3. define a CHR rule - if salt and water are in the store, remove them and put in salt_water.

  4. query that adds salt and water to the store.

  5. CHR prints the contents of the store at the top level by default. The store contains salt_water.

3. The Constraint Store

As we have seen, the constraint store holds state. We can put things, called constraints, in, and take them out.

The constraint store can hold multiple copies of a constraint. It works like a multiset or bag.

So, if you make salt water twice, you have two salt_waters.

Exercise - Multiset Semantics

Use the above program.

What do you think will happen if you query this? Try it


?- salt, water, salt.

How about this?


?- salt, salt, water, water.

3.1. Arguments

CHR constraints can have arguments of any Prolog type. Suppose we have a large number of beakers, and want to make salt water in them. We can add an argument to record which beaker we put the salt or water in.

:- use_module(library(chr)).

:- chr_constraint salt/1, water/1, salt_water/1.     (1)

salt(N),water(N) <=> salt_water(N).                  (2)

?- salt(3), water(3).                                (3)
salt_water(3).                                       (4)

  1. This time the chr_constraints have a single argument. salt(3) means there is salt in beaker 3. Like in Prolog, CHR constraints are defined by their signature.

  2. define a CHR rule - if salt and water are in the same beaker, remove them and put in salt_water.

  3. query that adds salt and water to beaker 3.

  4. CHR prints the contents of the store at the top level by default. The store contains salt_water(3).

When we call a CHR constraint from prolog, that argument unifies with the same position in the CHR constraint. However, the matching is not done in Prolog- it’s done in CHR. And to CHR foo(X), with X unbound, is a different constraint than foo(2).

Exercise - arguments

Use the multi-beaker version of the program What do you think will happen if you query this? Try it


?- salt(1),water(2), water(1).

How about this?


?- salt(1),water(2), water(_).

And this? Query

?- salt(1),water(2), water(X),X=3.

3.2. Defining chr_constraints

CHR constraints are defined using the chr_constraint/1 directive, giving the constraint’s signature.

:- chr_constraint   foo/1.

This must be done before the first mention in either prolog or CHR code.

CHR constraints can also be given types and modes, but we’ll cover those later.

What makes a good constraint?

Nouns make good constraints. salt is really salt is present. We could expand our salt water demo considerably, and end up with a chemist’s advisor.

A common pattern is to name all the relevant properties of an object. So we might not only say there’s salt, but ionic_compound in some more chemistry oriented version of our salt water program.

States make good constraints. In an interactive fiction type game of the nanisearch type, player(bedroom) is the state of the player being in the bedroom.

States can be properties. coughing, meaning the patient is coughing, is a good CHR constraint.

Verbs make good constraints. Verbs really say thing_is_happening. Usually, adding the verb to the constraint store makes things happen, and then the verb is removed at the end.

Our salt water example has the defect that if we try it in the kitchen, we quickly discover adding salt is not enough. We need to stir as well, particularly if we’ve added a large quantity.

Let’s modify our program to require stirring.

:- use_module(library(chr)).

:- chr_constraint salt/0, water/0, salt_water/0, stir/0.

salt,water, stir <=> salt_water.

?- salt, water, stir.


But what happens if we use twice as much salt and water?

?- salt, water, salt, water, stir.

We need two stirs. Let’s assume this is not what we want and fix it.

We made salt_water, let’s also make stir on the right

:- use_module(library(chr)).

:- chr_constraint salt/0, water/0, salt_water/0, stir/0.

salt,water, stir <=> salt_water, stir.

?- salt, water, salt, water, stir.


Oh fudge - stir remains.

We can fix this with a second rule. This rule will only fire after the first rule can’t fire any more. More on this later, but for now, the topmost rule that can fire, does.

:- use_module(library(chr)).

:- chr_constraint salt/0, water/0, salt_water/0, stir/0.

salt,water, stir <=> salt_water, stir.
stir <=> true.

?- salt, water, salt, water, stir.


We keep making salt water until we can’t, and then we stop stirring.

Exercise - making constraints

Try all the above examples in this section.

If we leave the salt water for time, it will evaporate back to salt. Add a new CHR constraint time/0 and when you have salt_water and time return to salt. When you have water and time, go back to nothing (put true on the right).

4. Basic CHR syntax

It’s time to introduce the CHR syntax in more detail. There are a few bits of syntax which will be omitted here and covered later.

We have seen one operator, <=>, informally. There are actually 3 operators.

name @ discarded <=> guard | body.               <1> Simplification
name @ retained \ discarded <=> guard | body.    <2> Simpagation
name @ retained ==> guard | body.                <3> Propagation

All rules have the same structure regardless of their operator.

4.1. Name

First comes an optional name, a unique identifier for the rule. This is used by various CHR tools, but has no effect on the operation of CHR. name is followed by an @ separator if included. We will not discuss names further.

4.2. Head

Next comes the head. The head is a series of CHR constraints which must all be present for the rule to fire. In our first salt water example, both salt and water must be present.

As we’ve already seen, we can store more than one salt in the store. We can have two `salt`s in the head, in which case we two or more salts in the store to fire the rule.

Exercise - set semantics

Let’s see if we can change the first program, so salt means any non-zero amount of salt, and water means any non-zero amount of water, and we only get one salt_water.

Hint: you want two salts to become one salt.

This set semantics is a frequently useful pattern.

4.2.1. Matching

So what does it mean to match?

Generally this is straightforward - it unifies like Prolog.

We saw an example of using this earlier, in the multiple beaker version of salt water.

salt(N),water(N) <=> salt_water(N).

If there’s a salt(3) and a water(4) then we don’t get salt water. The arguments must match.

Now we come to a gotcha. If you add a constraint from Prolog, be cognizant of what constraint you are actually adding.

Suppose you have a constraint foo/1, and want to get the values.

% doesn't work
get_foo_back(X) :-

This doesn’t work because it instead adds foo with an unbound variable to the store!

So let’s try adding a CHR rule

% still doesn't work
get_foo_back(X) :-

foo(A), get_foo(A) ==> true.

Assume we have foo(3) in the store. This still doesn’t work because CHR does:

  1. Prolog adds get_foo(X) with X unbound

  2. CHR looks for a rule to fire. It finds foo(3) in the store and grounds A to 3.

  3. CHR then looks for get_foo(3) (since we’ve bound the variable), and, while there’s a get_foo with an unbound variable, there isn’t one with a 3. Oops.

Getting information back from the store to Prolog is covered in Getting.

4.3. Operator

There are 3 operators in CHR.

We have seen the first type of rule, Simplification, denoted by the operator <=>. What is on the left hand side is discarded from the store, and then the right hand side(RHS) is done.

So far rules have always removed their head constraints. If we don’t want this, we have to use a workaround, re-adding the constraint.

The Simpagation rule type eliminates the remove/re-add workaround. It uses the same operator <=> as the Simplification operator, but has a \ backslash in the head. The constraints to the left of the \ are retained in the store, and those to the right removed.

Let’s improve our single stir version.

:- use_module(library(chr)).

:- chr_constraint salt/0, water/0, salt_water/0, stir/0.

stir \ salt, water <=> salt_water.
stir <=> true.

?- salt, water, salt, water, stir.


The third rule type, Propagation, retains all of the constraints in the head.

Why not just have one rule type, and re-add the ones you want to retain in the body? What’s wrong with the workaround?

Because when you remove and re-add the constraint, it isn’t the same constraint. So rules activate again.

Sally works in a garage. She’s been instructed to fill out a new work form every time she works on a car. Bob has brought his car into the garage to have the oil changed. Sally follows the rule, and fills in a work form for Bob’s car.

Here’s a snippet of CHR that implements the work form rule. If we remove and re-add the car, it keeps firing

% DOESN'T WORK - infinite loop
car(Owner, Work) <=> car(Owner, Work), work_form(Owner, Work).

car(Owner, Work) ==> work_form(Owner, Work).
Exercise - Propagation rule

Add noise to the constraint store when stirring occurs. Add one noise for every stir added from outside.

Test your work - does it work even if you don’t make salt water? Do you make many noises if there’s lots of salt water being made?

Exercise - Garage

When the garage finishes the work, Prolog adds a constraint work_done(Owner).

Then the owner comes, pays the bill, and takes the car. Prolog adds pays(Owner), then pickup(Owner).

Implement rules to model this process. Don’t let the customer take the car without paying the bill. (looking ahead, you can make pickup(Owner) fail in Prolog by failing the body).

Hint: Which controls the process? The car, or the paperwork?

Hint: car/2 means something like 'There is a car at the shop. It is owned by Owner and was brought in to have Work done.

Exercise - Garage Additional Work

Extra credit- harder

Often when a customer takes their car to the garage, the garage finds it needs to change what work is done.

Add rules to deal with this. Beyond that, use this exercise to build your skills, dealing with things like cars we don’t end up working on ("Sorry Ms. Smith, your car needs a new engine, and it would cost more than the car is worth.").

Hint: The car needing more work is a change to the paperwork, not the car.

4.4. Guard

Until now we’ve just been putting a CHR constraint on the right hand side. On one occasion we used true. But the right hand side is much more flexible.

We haven’t used a guard yet. A guard is an optional prolog query. If it succeeds, and if the appropriate constraints are in the store to match the left hand side, then, and only then, will the rule fire.

Suppose we have a bunch of constraints like quake(Intensity). Our instrument is quite sensitive, and we have many small tremors we can discard. Let’s discard all quakes less than 3.0 .

quake(Intensity) <=> Intensity < 3.0 | true.

You can have multiple goals in the guard. They execute left to right in the usual Prolog manner. There is no backtracking (you can’t bind anything anyway). They can share variables with the head, (as long as they don’t bind them) and with each other.

Try to minimize use of guards for performance. Every time the rule might fire, the guard must be executed.

Now, a warning. You may NOT bind variables in the guard. Why this restriction? The guard will be called whenever Prolog decides to check if the guard might succeed. If the guard binds variables, simply checking a variable can ground it, or another variable.

Example 1. Don’t Bind Variables in Guard

The behavior of binding variables in the guard is undefined, and the CHR compiler will flag it.


This material requires understanding constraint programming. If you don’t, you can skip over it and know you just shouldn’t bind variables in the guard. Alternatively, check out my clp(fd) tutorial

Guards have one other very useful property - Reactivation. We might have a guard whose success can change without adding a constraint to the store

more_than_3(N) <=>  ground(N) | N > 3.

?-more_than_3(X),writeln('middle'),X = 2.

This guard can change if we add more_than_3(X) and then later ground X.

When CHR encounters such a guard, the rule does not fire, but a unification hook is attached to the variable. When the variable later grounds, the rule fires. This may cause prolog to fail at this point.

This allows us to build constraint systems.

Note that the above code says middle, and only fails when X is bound.

Since we can later change the constraint we can develop efficient constraint checkers. If we apply more_than_4 to X then we subsume more_than_3. We can discard the weaker constraint.

more_than_4(X) \ more_than_3(X) <=> true.
Example 2. Exercise - Intervals

Define a constraint interval/2 whose left argument is the lower end and whose right argument is the upper end.

Define rules to simplify the constraint store.

For example, interval(1, 5) and interval(4, 9) can become interval(1, 9). Don’t forget nesting, like interval(1, 5), interval(2,3).

Stretch goal: don’t force the user to enter the intervals (low,high). If they come in (high, low), swap them around.

This exercise is a bit more complex than what you’ve been doing.

4.5. Body

The final part of a CHR rule is the body. This is NOT a prolog rule body. It is a comma separated series of Prolog rules and CHR Constraints. CHR constraints are added to the constraint store as if called from Prolog. If a Prolog goal or chr_constraint fails the entire attempt to add the original constraint fails, and the store is returned to it’s original state prior to the attempt.

You ARE allowed to bind arguments in the body. This becomes important when we look at getting data back from the store.

5. Which Rule Fires?

When a constraint is added to the store, CHR adds the constraint, then looks downward from the top of the store until it finds a rule that can fire. It fires the rule. It then returns to the top and tries to find a rule to fire again. There is no backtracking. When there are no more rules that can fire, the loop returns to the caller.

If the rule adds new constraints on the RHS, then the entire algorithm applies recursively at that point. So

foo ==> bar,baz.

We add foo. We find the above rule and add bar only. We added a constraint, so we look for a rule match. Now we add baz. We added a constraint, so we look for a rule match.

When CHR is just sitting there no constraint is active. When we call a chr_constraint from Prolog, it is added and made the active constraint. If the rule causes other rules to be added, in turn they will be the active constraint. Only rules that contain the active constraint are checked.

This makes the store more stable. You needn’t worry about some unrelated action firing a rule.

Example 3. Exercise - Does this terminate?
:- chr_constraint moo/0,bar/0.

moo ==> bar.

?- moo.

Think about this. If I add moo then I make bar, then look for another rule, find the same one, and keep going? No? (think about it, then keep reading).

It terminates.

rules do not re-fire if both of:

  • The exact same constraints (not just type) are involved. Thus the salt,salt,water,water example works. And this answers our keep going question.

  • Prolog in the body didn’t leave choice points.

Example 4. Exercise - How many solutions do I get?

:- chr_constraint backtrack/1.

backtrack(X) =⇒ member(X, [a,b,c]).

?- backtrack(X).

What happens if the Prolog fails?

If that fails, the entire attempt to add the constraint to the store will fail, and the CHR store will roll back to it’s previous state. The original Prolog that added the constraint will fail.

Notice that what it will NOT do is try other valures or go on to the next rule. Failure stops the entire show.

Example 5. Exercise - Demonstrate failure

Fiddle about and demonstrate failure. what happens if you add a constraint to the store and then have the original calling prolog fail?

For that matter, what happens if you throw?

Extra credit: what happens if you throw a delimited continuation and it resets?

What happens if the Prolog in the body leaves choice points that aren’t consumed later in the body? Then if the original calling prolog sees a choice point.

Recursion is often a useful pattern.

Example 6. Exercise - 8888

Let’s get lucky. Many Chinese folks think numbers like 8888 are auspicious.

Make a constraint lucky/1. Only add to the store those that are lucky (a series of 8’s).

lucky(888).  % stays in store
lucky(888888888). % stays in store
lucky(77). % remove
lucky(8). % stays in store

Hint: you will need two constraints, one to stay in the store and one to add to the store

A bit of larger advice. When recognizing, there is an inherent conflict between adding things to the store and replacing them. Suppose we have a recognizer for drawings. It’s handed this drawing:

childs drawing of house

We define a house as a triangle atop a box. Well, if we find the triangle part first, and turn it into a triangle, we’re left with

3 lines, 2 vertical and one at bottom

Which isn’t a box any more. In this case it’s probably better to leave lines in the store.

On the other hand, if you recognize a squiggle as a line (as opposed to an S shape or a circle), it’s probably better to remove the squiggle and keep the line.

6. Making CHR interact with Prolog

As we’ve seen, calling a CHR constraint from Prolog causes it to be added to the store.

If Prolog in the body of any rule fails, all changes to the store since the original attempt to add a constraint (by calling it from Prolog) are rolled back. The Prolog itself then fails to that point.

:- chr_constraint blah/0.

some_prolog :-
    writeln('got here'),
    writeln('Prolog will fail before it gets here').

blah ==> fail.

?- some_prolog.
got here

If the constraint rules call Prolog and generates choice points, the constraint succeeds with choice points.

If the constraint encounters a guard that might change when a variable is grounded, the constraint is subject to reactivation. See the section above on

6.1. Threads

A CHR store is local to one thread.

This is particularly painful when implementing a server that uses CHR.

One solution is to do all the CHR work on a special thread.

Falco Nogatz’s CHR-Constraint-Server is a useful tool.

The 3 Little Pigs game is a useful starter for a server that uses CHR for it’s logic.

A Pengine will have it’s own thread. This can be useful for CHR.

7. Getting

What hasn’t been mentioned to now is how to get a value back to prolog.

If we only need a generator, to get the solutions on backtracking, this is relatively straightforward. Make a get_thing constraint that grabs the thing on the RHS.

:- chr_constraint thing/1, get_thing/1.

thing(N) \ get_thing(M) <=> N = M.

Notice that I’m binding N to M on the right hand side.

This makes the constraints matched in the head thing with any argument, and get_thing with any argument. They need not be the same at this point. On the RHS we’re going to hope get_thing's argument is unground, and unify it with thing's argument.

If there are many things, and we don’t mind backtracking to get them, this works as well. EG if you just want to print them out, a repeat-fail list works

print_things :-

But what if there are many things, and we want to consolidate them in a list? Unfortunately findall/3, setof/3, bagof/3` etc. don’t work.

We use a pattern which I’ve named the get_foo pattern.

:- use_module(library(chr)).

:- chr_constraint foo/1,one_foo/1, collect_foo/1, get_foo/1.   (1)

load_it :-                                                     (2)

% copy constraints to be collected
foo(X), get_foo(_) ==> one_foo(X).                            (3)
get_foo(L) <=> collect_foo(L).                                (4)

% collect and remove copied constraints
one_foo(X), collect_foo(L) <=>                                (5)
          L=[X|L1], collect_foo(L1).
collect_foo(L) <=> L=[].                                      (6)

go(X) :- load_it, get_foo(X).                                 (7)
  1. There are four moving pieces.

    • foo/1, the constraint.

    • one_foo/1, a temporary copy of the constraint

    • collect_foo/1, a place to hold the list built up so far

    • get_foo/1 the API to the outside Prolog

  2. Let’s load some constraints

  3. We’ll copy all the constraints, then delete the copies as we collect them into the list

  4. When we start we swap get_foo for collect_foo, passing along the argument.

  5. we discard a one_foo, and the current collect_foo. We bind collect_foo's argument L to a hole list, a list whose final element is the unbound L1. We then add a new collect_foo with L1 to fill in the rest of the list.

  6. Eventually we run out of one_foos. We transform the hole list to a normal list by 'plugging the hole with an empty list.

  7. convenience predicate to run the system.

8. Helpful Utilities

There is a debugger for CHR similar to the old four port debugger. chr_trace/0 and chr_notrace/0 invoke it.

% put this right at beginning for production
% disable tracing (makes it run faster by  removing debug )
:- chr_option(debug, off).
% let it optimize
:- chr_option(optimize, experimental).

%slower execution, easier understanding of debugger output
 :- chr_option(debug, on).  :- chr_option(optimize, off).

CHR clears the constraint store when it returns to the top level. This can be annoying when learning or debugging if you want to manually manipulate the store.

Here are a couple ways to avoid this. The first repeatedly breaks into a new level of the interactor. The second is to use a flag that does effectively the same thing, but you don’t have to remember to do it each time.

 % avoid the constraint store evaporating at top level.
 ?- run_my_program, break.

% saner way to do same
?- set_prolog_flag(toplevel_mode, recursive).

current_chr_constraint/1 is intended for debugging, and is slow. Don’t use this as a pattern for reading the constraint store. but I often add this to my CHR programs as a handy debug tool.

% print out the constraint store
ps :-
    format('constraint store contains ~w:~w~n', [M,Y]),

CHR prints out the contents of the constraint store when you return to the top level. This behavior can be helpful or annoying dependin on the situation.

Here’s some debug code to turn it on and off.

% print out constraint store when you return to top level
ss :- set_prolog_flag(chr_toplevel_show_store, true).

% or don't
noss :- set_prolog_flag(chr_toplevel_show_store, false).

9. Conclusion