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polymeris edited this page May 3, 2013 · 8 revisions

If you are here, you probably know what this is about: Experimenting with possible improvements to GIMP, and publish those as Picman, a GIMP distribution.


We want to keep things simple at first, and see how it goes. The three main issues to address will be:

  • GUI: How can we make the user interface more friendly and at the same time more efficient?
  • Plugins: Which plugins implement basic functionality and work well? Which ones should be bundled with Picman?
  • Rebranding: The GIMP name and looks are burdened with many associations. Some good, but sadly, most of them are of a software that was always behind the industry standard, a software for tinkerers, not users. Let's start with a fresh (and less offensive/silly) name, fresh logo, fresh (and more usable) looks. Let's create a experience comparable to many of the commercial products.

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Ideas and suggestions are discussed through the issues interface and on a certain popular imageboard.

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