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App Map

Alexandra Swart edited this page Feb 27, 2019 · 1 revision
│   ├──.env                Server side environment variables
│   ├──datamodel.prisma    Type definitions for server querying generated by prisma
│   ├──prisma/
│   │   ├──prisma.yml          Prisma config file
│   │   └──.graphqlconfig.yml  GraphQL config file
│   └──src/
│       ├──index.js              Server root which sets up the Prisma DB connection/querying and the GraphQL Yoga server
│       ├──mail.js               Mailtrap integration through nodemailer and Email Templates
│       ├──schema.graphql        GraphQL yoga schema with type definitions for client facing calls
│       ├──stripe.js             Stripe API connection
│       ├──utils.js              Utility methods
│       ├──generated/            Generated files from Prisma
│       │   └──prisma.graphql          Generated Prisma schema type definitions
│       └──resolvers/            Files for how server works with incoming/outgoing data
│           ├──Mutation/               Config files for updating server data
│           └──Query.js                Config file for receiving server data
    ├──config.js           Client side config
    ├──jest.setup.js       File setup React Jest and to configure Enzyme into Jest
    ├──__test__/           Test files for pages and components
    ├──static/             Assets like logo, fonts, or extra css
    ├──lib/                Files for utility and testing
    │   ├──cloudinary.js         Cloudinary API calls
    │   ├──utils.js              Utility methods
    │   ├──withApollo.js         Apollo client setup
    │   └──test-utils/           Graphql mocks and dummyData for test calls
    ├──graphql/            Client side graphql query/mutations
    ├──components/         Component files called by pages and styles folder
    │   └──styles/               CSS for components using the styled-components package
    └──pages/              App page files
        ├──_app.js               App root for navigating pages and persisting state between page changes
        ├──_document.js          File to implement server side rendering for css-in-js libraries
        ├──buy.js                Product page
        ├──index.js              Home page
        ├──order.js              Order page
        ├──orders.js             Order history page
        ├──permissions.js        User permissions page
        ├──reset.js              Reset User password page
        ├──sell.js               Create Product page
        ├──shop.js               Products catalog page
        ├──signup.js             User signup/login page
            ├──edit.js               Update Product page
            ├──selections.js         Update Product's Variants page
            └──add.js                Update Product with new Variant page
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