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Most frequent HTML tags, attributes and some details about them

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Headings tags are not only to control the size of the text, they also have their own meaning. We shouldn't write h2 headings without writting h1 heading before and so on.

It's important to structure the HTML code with this 3 tags,

  • header must contain navigation menus, logos, social media links...
  • footer should contain usefull information, contact links, FAQs, creator name, the small print of the contracts...
  • main has all the relevant content of the page.

Content section labels, section can contain articles and articles can contain sections

  • section: generic container used to group related content. When we are creating blocks wich content is related to an upper block we will use sections.
  • article: container that represents independent content, i.e. when we can read that fragment elsewhere and it would make sense on its own.
  • aside: used to display content that is related but not part of the main content. It can be placed inside or outside the main tag.

Nesting: section can contain articles, i.e. if we have some articles about HTML tags, they should be placed inside one section, due to they have related content, and articles would be independent because we could read one whitout reading the others and it would still have its own sense. Article is defined as component of the page with independent content, this tag could have a header and a footer.

Block elements will occupy the full available width even if their content does not, so the elements below will go to the following line. Line elements will take only the width they need, so it's possible to display more than one element in the same line. Each element has semantic value strong > em > normal > small. With these labels we can set the relevance of each part of the text.

  • Line elements:
    • em: emphas
    • strong: more emphasis
    • small: less emphasis
    • br: line break
    • wbr: We can select where the line breaks when needed. Same as '-'
    • time: dates and times
    • i: italic (only style tag, no semantic value). Also icon tag
    • u: underline (only style tag, no semantic value)
    • b: bold (only style tag, no semantic value)
    • sup: adds supper indexes
    • sub: adds sub indexes

Aditional values to modify the HTML tags or it's behaviour

  • Common: attribute="value"
  • Boolean: attribute

These attributes can be used in almost every HTML tag:

  • class: to add a CSS class
  • id: to add identifiers
  • title: accesibility tag to show element descriptions
  • data-* : allows to save values in the HTML tag

Links are very important, they allow us to navigate through the web or to other webs. It has one mandatory attribute href with the route, it also has the target attribute to modify how the resource will be displayed:

  • href: absolute paths (with http:// or https://) for external webs:, relative paths for internal pages
  • target: with absolute paths for external webs _blank
  • download: download the file in the path, the file must be in our server. Best practices are to save the files under assets/files, images, icons ... We can navigate in the page to tags with id by using, href=#id-name, this can be used to navigate to specific points in other pages like /other/other.html#someid

Used to list content, there are 3 types of lists:

  • ul: unordered list: Order does not matters (used to create menus). It can has list type,to style the item marks (type="value"):
    • disc (default value)
    • circle
    • square
  • ol: ordered list: Order does matter. It can has list type,to style the item marks (type="value"), it also has the start="value" attribute to star on a default value:
    • 1: (1, 2, 3 ...) (default value)
    • A: (A, B, C ...)
    • a: (a, b, c ...)
    • I: (I, II, III ...)
    • i: (i, ii, iii ...)
  • dl: definition list: List of definitions (dictionary) Browsers differentiate between the type of site. Elements of the list are represented by li tag ul and ol lists. For dt: list each element is represented with 2 tags:
    • dt: definition term: term to define
    • dd: definition description: term description

Tables are used to display tabbed content, this is the basic structure of one table:

  • table: represents the table
  • tr: table row
  • td: table data, one cell The number of cells inside a row sets the number of columns of the table. The title of the table can be setted with the optional caption tag. We can set the header of the table with the thead tag and the th tag for each header. When we set a thead tag, we must place all the table content inside the tbody tag. Tables can also have a footer tfoot. We can modify the space of each cell, we have the following attributes:
  • rowspan the cell will take more than one row. (default value 1). It will take the space of the next rows. Common error
  • colspan the cell will take more than one col. (default value 1) We can group cols with the colgroup tag.

More block tags:

  • address: adds contact information to the nearest artible or the body
  • blockquote: used to mark citations to other authors or documents. It can has the attribute cite="" to reference the source of the content
  • pre: used to maintain the format of the text (tabs, end of lines ..) i.e. to print some formated code.
  • div: used to split the document, no semantic meaning, generic container normally used for styling from css
  • hr: horizontal rule, the browser understands that there is a change of subject. Don't use it to draw lines

More line tags:

  • span: line container, equals div, is used to enclose words or small texts and style them through CSS or localise them from JS, it has no semantic meaning.
  • q: equivalent to blockquote, means quoute. To put quotations in line.
  • code: to enclose code that we want to represent visually, it usually goes with the pre tag. It has semantic meaning.
  • Special entities: ASCII codes

Basic form structure:

  • form: wraps the form
    • action="": where to send the data (server, other html ..)
    • method="": method to execute GET/POST
  • label: sets the field label
    • for="fieldID": matches the label to the field
  • input: field to allow users to enter data
    • name: mandatory
  • button: allow users perform an acction

The default behaviour of forms reloads the current page Related form tags

  • fieldset: used to group elements inside the form
  • legend: label for the fieldset content
  • meter: represents a value within a range
  • progress: progress of a task
  • textarea: multiline text input

Most frequent field attributes:

  • placeholder:
  • required: mandatory field
  • readonly: readonly field
  • min - max: for number input
  • maxlenght - minlenght: for text input
  • selected: to set a default value
  • disabled: disabled field
  • autofocus: sets the focus on the field
  • button: same as <button></button> but it doesn't reloads the page. Doesn't send the data.
  • color: choose a color
  • date: enter a date
  • datetime: Deprecated
  • datetime-local: date and time, doesn't works on firefox
  • email: enter email
  • hidden: hidden field, could have a value but it isn't shown
  • month: enter a month
  • week: enter a week number
  • number: numeric values
  • password: passwords ***
  • range: set a range -step="10": how much the bar moves -min="0": min value -max="30": max value
  • reset: reset the forms
  • search: search bars
  • submit: sends the form
  • tel: phone numbers
  • text: default value plain texts
  • time: hours
  • url: URLs
  • file: files
  • radio: select only one option
    • name="category": sets the category to which the radio belongs and allows only one value per category
    • value="": what is the value of the element
    • checked: radio checked by default
  • checkbox: select multiple options
    • Needs name and value as radio inputs
  • select: select from a list
    • name="category": sets the category
    • multiple: allow to select more than one option
    • <option>: each option goes in tags, if there are lots of options, we can group them in <optgroup> and set a label atribute for each group. If has selected attribute, it's selected by default
  • list: filter with the text in the related datalist list="datalistID" it also shows the value attribute of the tag, each element of the list is one option tag

Embedded content

All the content that we retrive from outside our web. Usually these are the heaviest files on the web page (images, videos ..)

  • Pictures: There are two images types:
    • Vectorial SVG (very ligth) icons logos ..
    • Bit map: jpg, png (8/24), gif, webp (recommended)
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Iframes Usually placed on /assets

Device pixel ration DPR

Relation between the real amount of pixels of the devide and the available pixels to "draw" content DPR = real pixels / avaliable pixels On mobile devices, its usually 2.4 - 3

  • Viewport: available space to draw (1920 x 1080) What is my viewport We shouldn't use the same image for mobile devices and for desktop, it's a big file that is not necessary on mobile devices. We can use one image or other depending on the device. We can do this with the srcset attribute, doesn't work on IE so we can also add src attribute.

When using the tags <picture> - <source> to display images, if the paths provided for the img tag is invalid the browser won't render any image. It works like a js switch, we set the sources for each case and its default fallback images, and the default picture is on img tag.

Inserted with <img> tag

  • src="": route to the image
  • alt="": description of the image We can isert SVG images with the image tag or with the svg content on the html. The second option is only if we need to access the svg properties (i.e. to animate it from js)

The audio tag allows to insert audio content on the web, it has:

  • src="": with the path to the audio file
  • controls: to dysplay controls of the song
  • autoplay: starts the audio on page load. If the content isn't muted the browser will stop autoplay
  • loop: auto-replay

The video tag allows to insert video content on the web, it has:

  • src="": with the path to the video file
  • controls: to dysplay controls of the song
  • autoplay: starts the video on page load. If the content isn't muted the browser will stop autoplay
  • loop: auto-replay
  • poster: sets the preview image

We can insert pieces of web from other pages (twitter, instagram ...), the madatory attributes are:

  • width and heigth
  • src: uri to the content Performance is affected

Attribute list of meta tag, usually formed with name="" and content="":

  • charset: codification
  • title: Web title
  • viewport: Allows rendering the page on mobile devices
  • description: Sumary shown when the link is displayed on web searchs
  • author

Very extended subject, this is the basics. There are voice-browsers that dictate the content of the page to you.

  • tabindex: sets the orden when navigating using tab.
  • aria-label: audio description of the content
  • role: audio description of element type

Developed by facebook, we can customice what the user will see when they copy our link page in other platforms, like twitter, facebook.. We can set a title, descriptiion, poster

<title>The Rock (1996)</title>
<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />
<meta property="og:type" content="" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />

Similar to opg, but for twitter

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@nytimes">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@SarahMaslinNir">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="NEWARK - The guest list and parade of limousines with celebrities emerging from them seemed more suited to a red carpet event in Hollywood or New York than than a gritty stretch of Sussex Avenue near the former site of the James M. Baxter Terrace public housing project here.">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

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Most frequent HTML tags, attributes and some details about them





