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Bugsounet - Cédric edited this page Apr 7, 2023 · 2 revisions


Bandwidth test from servers for MagicMirror



Installation time: ~30 min...

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-SpeedTest
npm install


Simple Sample

      module: 'MMM-SpeedTest',
      position: 'top_center',
      configDeepMerge: true

Personalized Sample

This Configuration is the same like the Simple Configuration.

If you want to tune it, you can change only the desired value

      module: 'MMM-SpeedTest',
      position: 'top_center',
      configDeepMerge: true,
      config: {
        debug: false,
        update: "1h",
        colored: true,
        download: {
          title: "Download Speed",
          scale: 100
        upload: {
          display: true,
          title: "Upload Speed",
          scale: 100
        ping: {
          display: true,
          title: "Ping",
          scale: 100
        informations: true,
        server: {
          preferedId: null,
          acceptLicense: true,
          acceptGdpr: true

Configuration Structure

  • Field in root
field type default description
debug BOOLEAN  false enable or not debug mode
update STRING  "1h" Delay before next update in [h] [m] [s]
colored BOOLEAN  true Use color for display ?
informations BOOLEAN true Display informations from the test server
  • Field download: {...}
field type default description
title STRING  "Download Speed" You can change for your translation
scale NUMBER  100 Max scale value for displaying (in Mbps)
  • Field upload: {...}
field type default description
display BOOLEAN  true Display the result your Upload Speed
title STRING  "Upload Speed" You can change for your translation
scale NUMBER  100 Max scale value for displaying (in Mbps)
  • Field ping: {...}
field type  default description
display BOOLEAN  true Display the result your ping value
title STRING  "ping" You can change for your translation
scale NUMBER  100 Max scale value for displaying (in ms)
  • Field server: {...}
field type default description
preferedId  NUMBER or NULL  null  ID of the server to restrict the tests against. NULL is a ramdom server
acceptLicense  BOOLEAN  true  Set to true to accept the Ookla EULA, TOS and Privacy policy. (You don't need to change it)
acceptGdpr  BOOLEAN true  Set to true to accept the Ookla GDPR terms. (You don't need to change it)


You can see the ID of the used server in name informations field on the mirror
Sample: In the screenshoot id is 24215 for ORANGE FRANCE.


cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-SpeedTest
npm run update

If MagicMirror² is updated (exemple MagicMirror v2.22.x to v2.23.x)

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-SpeedTest
npm run rebuild

un-minify code (for develop only)

(For modify sources)

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-SpeedTest
npm run reset

delete package-lock.json and node_modules directory (for develop only)

(For install testing for example)

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-SpeedTest
npm run clean