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89 lines (68 loc) · 5.66 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (68 loc) · 5.66 KB



This package contains all client models utilised by the Atlas Public API to request searches and repeat searches, and to retrieve their results.

  • Search - models used throughout search journey, e.g., DonorType
    • Requests - request definitions and their initiation responses
    • Results - search result (includes both matching and match prediction results) and notification
      • Matching - matching result per donor/locus, and notification to allow early retrieval of match results
      • MatchPrediction - match prediction results per donor/locus
      • ResultSet - search results for a set of donors
      • LogFile - log file for a completed search request (note: a completely separate feature to Application Insights logging)


The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Updated .NET version from 6.0 to 8.0


  • Moved existing Alert and Notification message models (and dependent classes) to new SupportMessages namespace.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Existing enum, Search.Results.Matching.MatchGrade, has been extended with a new value, ExpressingVsNull, to represent the edge case of expressing typing against null allele.


  • Search.Results.Matching.PerLocus.LocusPositionScoreDetails has been extended with a new field: IsAntigenMatch, which indicates whether the match grade for a position is an antigen match (true) or not (false).
  • Added MatchingStartTime property to ResultSet model.
  • Added models representing the search request log file that is written after a search completes.
  • Search.Results.MatchPrediction.MatchProbabilityPerLocusResponse.PositionalMatchCategories are now overridable, in case they need to be re-orientated.
  • Extended Search.Results.LogFile.SearchLog with a SearchRequest property, and added a new child model, MatchingSearchLog, that inherits from SearchLog but has info unique to the matching part of search.
  • Added Summary string to FailureInfo model to replace obsolete SearchResultsNotification.FailureMessage property.


  • ResultSet model has been extended with new properties, MatchCriteriaDenominator and ScoringCriteriaDenominator, which represent the match count denominator for matching results and scoring results, respectively.
  • MatchingResultsNotification and SearchResultsNotification have both been extended with more failure information.
    • As part of this enhancement, the following properties have been deprecated:
      • SearchResultsNotification.FailureMessage has been superseded by a new property SearchResultsNotification.FailureInfo.
      • MatchingResultsNotification.ValidationError has been superseded by a new property MatchingResultsNotification.FailureInfo.
  • The client models project was refactored to replace dependency on Atlas.Common with a new project, Atlas.Common.Public.Models, which only contains those models referenced by both the client and other components.
  • Changelog .md file included as NuGet Package README.


  • No change to client.


  • No change to client.


  • New BatchScoringRequest model added, using new IdentifiedDonorHla model
    • Used to allow standalone scoring requests for batches of multiple donors at a time.
  • ScoringResult model has two new properties:
    • TypedLociCount
    • MatchCategory
    • These properties already existed on the scoring information of search results, and have been added to the scoring-only result for parity


Search Requests

  • Added optional DonorRegistryCodes property to search request, to allow filtering of donor results to those from certain registry codes.

Search Results

  • Marked 'PatientFrequencySetNomenclatureVersion' and 'DonorFrequencySetNomenclatureVersion' as Obsolete and added 'PatientHaplotypeFrequencySet' and 'DonorHaplotypeFrequencySet' to replace them on the 'MatchProbabilityResponse'. Both HF sets contain the metadata (internal ID, RegistryCode, EthnicityCode, HlaNomenclatureVersion and PopulationId) of the frequency set.
  • Added 'MismatchDirection' to 'LocusSearchResult' to indicate the directionality of a DPB1 non-permissive mismatch.
  • Replaced SearchedHla in result sets with the full SearchRequest, to aid debugging/support work looking at result sets.


  • MatchGrade enum:
    • PermissiveMismatch value removed.
      • The match grade is a value that is calculated for allele pairs (rather than loci pairs), and as such search results will have two match grades per locus. For Dpb1, the permissive mismatch grade can only be calculated by considering the whole locus - so it does not make sense to assign a grade of PermissiveMismatch to an individual allele at a locus.
      • The PermissiveMismatch match category will still be available in the LocusMatchCategory, at a per locus level (though will only ever be assigned at the DPB1 locus), and in the MatchCategory enum for the overall consolidated value for a donor (i.e. when the only mismatches are permissive at DPB1)
      • Loci with a PermissiveMismatch category will still be assigned match grades - but within the grade, all mismatches will be called Mismatch - to know if the mismatch at a locus is permissive overall, the match category must be used instead.


  • Renamed HlaNomenclatureVersion to MatchingAlgorithmHlaNomenclatureVersion on both result set and notification models, now that Matching and Match Prediction are able to use two different HLA versions.


  • First stable release of Atlas client.