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The Project

For our project we wanted to design a website that would attract users to the site and be incredibly accessible. This would be accomplished by using semantic HTML and choosing a design that is incredibly readable. To accomplish this were going to add aria values that will help the screen reader describe whats going on. As a group we wanted a way to express ourselves artistically while showing off the CSS and JS tricks we learned.

The Group

  • Arturo
  • Abshir
  • Mo
  • Anthony

PM Tools

Our group will be utilizing a few tools in order to ensure the development process goes over smoothly. The first is Trello. As a group we are gonna use Trello to decide what tasks need to get accomplished and in what order. Using this style allows us to not only see what we still have left, but allows us to see who's working on what so in case of a communication breakdown we are covered.

The next tool we utilized is Github. We created a development branch in order to push all of our experimental changes before pushing them to main. This will allows us to track commits easier and undo mistakes in case they show up. As insurance we set it to where all four memebers of the group have to agree to the merge in main before the pull request is granted. We also have it set to where two members need to be able to push to the dev branch, which is useful for when we peer program.

Users Stories

  • As a user, I want to view the photography gallery, so that it is pleasing to the eye
  • As a user, I want to book appointments so that I can choose a date/date
  • As a client, I want to have my social media links avaiable at all times so that the user can get to me quickly
  • As a client, I want to be able to see all appointments that were made
  • As a client, I want to organize all work by different artist so that the user can see the different photography styles

Software Requirements


What is the vision of this product?

-The vision of our product is to create websites for photographers to showcase their work to attract potential clients.

What pain point does this project solve?

  • Allowing photographers who don’t have the proper tech skills to create a website.

Why should we care about your product?

  • You should care about our product because we are making top tier designs that will gain customer attraction.

Scope (In/Out)

IN - What will your product do

Our product will showcase portfolios of photographers work. Our product will allow users to seamlessly contact the photographers. Our product will allow users to leave reviews so new customers can look at them before choosing a photographer to work with.

OUT - What will your product not do. Our product will not allow user to manually upload photos on their own.

What will your MVP functionality be?

Our MVP will be user design & user experience.

What are your stretch goals?

  • Automatic changing themes.
  • Adding music.
  • A moving background on our landing page.

Functional Requirements

A user can book an appointment A user is able to view the artist’s portfolio in an organized manner.

Data Flow

  • The user will go onto the website then they will be able to view portfolios of different photographers that work there. If they like what they see they’ll be able to book with the photographer of their choice.


Hi Fidelity Wire Frame:

Low Fidelity Wire Frame:


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Contributors 4
