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An air traffic system that uses an ADS-B receiver to obtain data. To install refer to the prerequistes and install guide below and the install video here.


Please refer to here for more info on ADS-B. Note that this system uses just receiving capabilities of software defined radios. It is illegal to transmit with a software defined radio without certain licenses, especially pertaining aircraft. Please refer here to learn about licenses that allow transmitting with radios.



There are two methods of installation, with script (beta) and manual (tested). For more advanced documentation on each component, there is additional info in their directories.

Hardware Tested

Host Device

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
  • Raspberry Pi 4 8GB (Plan to test)

Software Defined Radio

General Usage Setup


Installation using script

Step 1: First clone the repository via Git using the following command and change into the directory

git clone
cd SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application

Step 2: Please use the files and librtlsdr.pc In the same directory with or in the root directory of the cloned repository (SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application) run the following command:

sudo echo y | sudo ./ |& sudo tee -a installation.log

Is issues persist with Dump1090 portion of install, refer to fixes in the section below.
After installation, dependencies for the virtual environment for the backend must be synchronized by the user with these steps:
Step 3: Ensure you are in the root directory for the repo, SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application then run:

pipenv shell

Optional step if error occurs. If directory issues exist when running pip install pipenv, modify ~/.bashrc with the following command. Or install pipenv with the apt-get method using this command.

echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get install pipenv

Step 4: Install the requirements from the Pipfile:

pipenv sync

When using the backend you must remain in the pipenv shell so that the virtual environment dependencies are registered. The database in the Docker container must also be running, it is started by default after running the install script
Step 5: Change directories into the backend to access the Django manager

cd backend/

Step 6: Create the database:

python migrate

Optional step if error occurs. If a psycopg2 error occurs like in the install video, the version is outdated. Stay in the pipenv shell and run the following 3 commands to fix. After running the commands to reinstall, run step 6 again then move onto step 7.

pip uninstall psycopg2
pip uninstall psycopg2-binaray
pip install psycopg2-binary

Step 7: Obtaining API Keys
The frontend uses a Google Maps API key for the flight visualizer and the backend uses an AWS key for the SMS notification feature. In order to use these two features the API keys must be obtained.

Obtaining a Google Maps API Key

Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console and create a new project

You may have to create a new account and link your credit card to access the free tier. Google provides $200 of monthly credit and it only costs @2 per 1000 requests.

In the credentials tab, click on the "Create Credentials" button and select "API Key"

This video tutorial may help in obtaining the Google Maps API key.

In the frontend/src/map/Map.js file, add the API key to the value of key in bootstrapURLKeys={{ key: '' }}.

For more information on getting a Google Maps API key, please refer to the Google docs here

Obtaining an AWS API Key for SNS (in construction)

Step 8: That clears the installation setup, refer to below to use system

Running each Component

In order to run the system, each component must be started in the following order: database, backend, dump1090, decoder, frontend

Running the database, backend, dump1090, and decoder

Make sure the Docker container for the database is running. It should be started by default when creating it the first time after running the install script. However, if it was stopped or your Raspberry Pi was turned off it can be started again with the following command. If permissions fail try with sudo at the front. Refer to documentation in the backend directory for more info on Docker if needed.

docker start aircraft_db

To use the backend, the virtual environment must be running. If it isn't started already, start the virtual environment

pipenv shell

Run the development server:

Change directory to SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/backend

python runserver

For more information on Docker commands for the database and exporting the database refer to the backend documentation here.

NOTE: Dump1090 in this repository is a fork of Malcom Robb's dump1090 with a modification to add a HTTP header "Last-Modified" to discern duplicates. That is why the one in the repo must be used.
Change directory to SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/decoder/RTL-SDR/dump1090

Run ./dump1090 --interactive --net to start dump1090 (if permissions error occur retry with sudo at the front)

In another window, change directory to SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/decoder

Run python3 to start the decoder (uses a python3 library)

ADS-B data should be recorded in the Django database.

You can view this in at or http://localhost:8000 in your browser

In order to allow the backend to listen on other devices in your network: python runserver You can view the database by accessing the address of your http://{$RASPBERRYPI_IP_ADDRESS}:8000/

Similarly, the line below in AircraftData.js in /frontend/src/aircraft_data/ needs to be changed to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi const res = await fetch("http://{$RASPBERRYPI_IP_ADDRESS}:8000/api/aircraftdata/")

If neither of these links work to view the pages from another device, it is possible there is a firewall issue in your network. However, the links are still accessible on the Raspberry Pi itself, with the option of using localhost instead of the IP address on your Raspberry Pi's browser.

Running the frontend

In a new window change directory to SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/frontend

Make sure you have ran npm install to install the required dependencies in the frontend directory if you haven't done so already

To start the web app, use npm start and it should be located on localhost:3000

  • if issues arise, check the docker
  • in the backend directory, run "sudo docker ps"
  • if need be, run "sudo docker restart aircraft_db" in the backend directory

Manual Installation

First clone the repository via Git using the following command in your terminal

git clone

Setting Up Docker

  • If you do not have Docker on your machine please follow Docker (for manual installation follow these steps)

Setting up RTL-SDR and Dump1090

  • Install rtl-sdr lib using sudo apt-get install rtl-sdr librtlsdr-dev
  • cd into dump1090 directory cd SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/decoder/RTL-SDR/dump1090/
  • make
  • If issues persist with Makefile follow the steps here, in summary:
    • Run pkg-config --libs librtlsdr --debug to find the path of librtlsdr.pc on Raspbian it is most likely /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkgconfig/librtlsdr.pc and on Linux it is most likely /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/librtlsdr.pc

    • Change the file to to following:

  • Run ./dump1090 --interactive --net inside the dump1090 directory to start retrieving ADS-B data

Setting up the database and backend

Setting up and running the Database

  • To work with the Django backend, first a PostgreSQL database is required. The recommended approach would be to use a PostgreSQL Docker Container.

To run a PostgreSQL Container in Docker, the image needs to be installed.

PostgreSQL Image

The following command can be used to set up the Docker Container. Note that the password can be changed but the name and port should stay consistent as they are the expected ones in the Django database settings. Django will use those to connect to the database.

docker run --name aircraft_db -e POSTGRES_USER=aircraft_db -e POSTGRES_DB=aircraft_db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=raspberry -d -p 5432:5432 postgres

Setting up the backend

  • cd into the SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application directory cd SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/

Ensure pipenv is installed and used for virtual environment dependencies in the backend. Get set up with the virtual environment for dependencies:

echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
pip3 install --user --default-timeout=1000 pipenv
pipenv shell

If issues persist an alternative install is with the following sudo apt-get install pipenv

Install the requirements from the Pipfile:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
pipenv sync

Change directories into the backend to access the Django manager

cd SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/backend/

Create the database:

python migrate

Run the development server:

python runserver

Backend located at or http://localhost:8000 .

  • For more information, please read the backend README here

Setting up the frontend

Installing Dependencies

npm, Node.js, and the create-react-app is required to run the web app

Install Node.js and npm:

Run npx create-react-app my-app to install React

cd SDR-Aircraft-Traffic-Application/frontend

To install the required dependencies, run npm install

If needed, install the Google Maps API with npm install google-map-react

Obtaining a Google Maps API Key

Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console and create a new project

You may have to create a new account and link your credit card to access the free tier. Google provides $200 of monthly credit and it only costs @2 per 1000 requests.

In the credentials tab, click on the "Create Credentials" button and select "API Key"

In the frontend/src/map/Map.js file, add the API key to the value of key in bootstrapURLKeys={{ key: '' }}.

For more information on getting a Google Maps API key, please refer to the Google docs here

  • For more information, please read the frontend README here

System Design

System Architecture

Note that the database server in this system is in a Docker Container by default, though the server can be hosted any way as long as it's a PostgreSQL database with the default ports. System Diagram

Database Design

The following is the database design which would be the details of the PostgreSQL database in the database server. These are the variables and attributes stored as well as their relationship. The data records have a foreign key referencing an aircraft in the aircraft table. Database Diagram


Tools Used

Knowledge and skills needed for developing

  • Programming Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS to some extent
  • General understanding of REST API framework
  • General Understanding of how SDRs work


Please contact us or Peter Burke if you are interested in taking this project further.


We use Git for versioning.


  • Anthony Skoury - Computer Engineer - My Website
  • Randall Cheng - Electrical Engineer, Computer Engineer
  • Alan Wong - Computer Science & Engineering


This project is licensed under the APGL_v3 License - see the file for details


  • Professor Peter Burke for advising us
  • Authors for all the Open-Source Libraries used in this program and the author of Dump1090
  • Anyone who develops this project further