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Manual Installation

Linux is currently the only supported development platform. Theoretically this codebase should work on other platforms, but this has not been tested.

Here's what you need installed before you can run this:

  • Python >= 3.3 (with source headers)
  • Postgresql 9.0 or later

Let's start by getting all of the Python dependencies installed. We'll clone the repo, make a virtualenv, install distribute, and then install all of our Python dependencies:

$ git clone  # or your fork
$ cd magfest
$ python3.3 -m venv env
$ ./env/bin/python
$ ./env/bin/python develop

Now we need to create a Postgresql database. The default username, password, and database name is "m13", so we'll go ahead and do that, e.g.

$ sudo -i
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ createuser --superuser --pwprompt m13
$ createdb --owner=m13 m13

Now we're ready to create all of our database tables, which we can do by running the init_db script. After that we can actually start the server:

$ ./env/bin/python uber/
$ ./env/bin/python uber/

Now we can go to http://localhost:4321/ and log in with the email address "" and the password "magfest".

If you'd live to override any of the default configuration settings, you can create a "development.conf" file in the top-level directory of the repo, and any values you put there will override the default values. For example, suppose we were running remotely on a cloud server like Rackspace, so instead of binding to localhost, we'd instead bind to our local IP address and tell the web server to issue its redirects appropriately, e.g.

hostname = ""
url_root = ""

If you'd like to insert about 10,000 attendees with realistic shifts and whatnot, you can run the following command (warning, this takes 5-10 minutes to insert everything):

$ ./env/bin/python uber/tests/

Alternatively, you could insert directly with the sql file in the same directory as that script (though you'll need to start with an empty database for this to work), e.g.

$ psql --host=localhost --username=m13 --password m13 < uber/tests/test_data.sql