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Updown Go client

This is a Go client for Updown lets you monitor websites and online services for an affordable price.


Once you have a working Go installation locally, you can grab this package with the following command:

go get


Head over to the Go documentation to see available methods and models and to for the Updown API.

Creating a client

The client will be required to perform all actions against the API.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Your API key can be retrieved at
    // You can give a custom HTTP client
    client := updown.NewClient("your-api-key", nil)

Listing all checks

result, HTTPResponse, err := client.Check.List()

Getting an Updown token for a check's alias

name := "Google"
token, err := client.Check.TokenForAlias(name)

This method returns results from a memory cache by default if it's available. The first time, a request against the API will be performed.

Getting a check by its token

token := "foo"
result, HTTPResponse, err := client.Check.Get(token)

Getting downtimes for a check

token, page := "foo", 1 // 100 results per page
result, HTTPResponse, err := client.Downtime.List(token, page)

Adding a new check

// See the struct for additional parameters
item := updown.CheckItem{URL: ""}
result, HTTPResponse, err := client.Check.Add(item)

Updating a check

token := "foo"
// See the struct for additional parameters
updated := updown.CheckItem{URL: ""}
result, HTTPResponse, err := client.Check.Update(token, updated)

Removing a check

token := "foo"
result, HTTPResponse, err := client.Check.Remove(token)

Getting metrics for a check

token, group := "foo", "host"
from, to := "2016-04-01 00:00:00 +0200", "2016-04-15 00:00:00 +0200"
result, HTTPResponse, err := client.Metric.List(token, group, from, to)