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Shadowing imported functions


Add @shadowing attribute to correct declarations of imported functions. The original function will no longer be accessible from Swift.

// Imported function (implicit declaration)
func dispatch_sync(queue: dispatch_queue_t, block: (@convention(block) () -> Void)!)

@shadowing(dispatch_sync(queue, block))
func sync(queue: dispatch_queue_t, @noescape block: @convention(block) () -> Void)

Swift-evolution thread: link to the discussion thread for that proposal


Imported functions do not always get desired annotations. Their signature can also be inconsistent with Swift guidelines.

If that functions are part of the project, then the obvious solution would be to add all annotations useful in Swift.

But if they are part of external modules/libraries, then it may be difficult to impossible to do that. So, there should be an easy way to add these small changes to the signature and make it look more Swift-y.

Proposed solution

General syntax

The only argument of @shadowing is call to an imported function, where arguments are internal parameters of the annotated function.

All parameters must be used in that call. Return value of the function call in @shadowing is returned from the overriding function. Types must be the same, with a few exceptions described below.

Function name, external parameter names and order of parameters may not be equal in the two functions.


@shadowing(defineProperty(property, descriptor: descriptor))
func defineProperty(descriptor: AnyObject!, forName property: String!)

@shadowing(strcat(left, right))
func +=(left: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, right: UnsafePointer<Int8>!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!

The declared function must not have a body; it is defined implicitly by the compiler.

One of the main features of this attribute is that it is not possible to access the original function in places other than this declaration. If multiple @shadowing annotations point to the same imported function, a compilation error occurs.

Shadowing with a non-global function

Static function can shadow an imported function as well.

Member function can shadow, using self as one of the arguments of function being shadowed. If the original method was an Objective-C instance method, self is forwarded implicitly:

extension SomeClass {
  func someInstanceMethod(arg: Int)
  @shadowing(someGlobalMethod(self, arg: arg))
  func someInstanceMethod(arg: Int)

Allowed signature modifications

The reason why @shadowing is needed is to allow simple correction of attributes of imported functions. They are listed below; this list can be extended in the future.

  • Turning implicitly unwrapped optional into optional or value

  • Adding @noescape or @autoclosure to closure parameters

  • Adding @warn_unused_result or @discardableResult to the function

  • Adding @noreturn to the function

These modifications can be combined, for example, removing IUO from a closure parameter and marking it as @noescape.


@shadowing functions can be granted all usual visibility levels. In places where such declaration is not visible, unmodified imported function is visible instead. Example:

// header.h
char* strcat(char* dest, const char* src);
// 1.swift
@shadowing(strcat(left, right))
private func +=(left: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, right: UnsafePointer<Int8>!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!

strcat(dest, src)  // error
dest += src        // ok
// 2.swift
strcat(dest, src)  // ok
dest += src        // error

Detailed design

@shadowing attribute is added. Formally, Swift grammar will not change.

Impact on existing code

This is a strictly additive feature.

Alternatives considered

An alternative is API notes, which is a plain text file put next to the bridging header.

The advantage is that no changes to the language itself are required in this case.

// API notes
- Name: dispatch_apply
  SwiftName: 'OS_dispatch_queue.apply(_:self:_:)'