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My very first Pug/SCSS project i met late in 2017-2018


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AntonGrekov: My first Pug/Jade project. Was very confusing to meet a developer knowing so much, as i thought to that moment, and working with that many technologies - Pug/SASS/Trello/BitBucket/BEM-naming. It was like a cold water to me. But i did well and learned a lot, since then i am in love using templating languages in web programming - pug/jade, phug, js-language incorporated in pug, DTL(django templating language), Blade(PHP templating language) and others

Перевод: Мой первый проект где я впервые столкнулся с Pug/SCSS. Мне в пару дали более опытного веб-разработчика, который имел опыт работы с гораздо большим набором инструментов, чем я на тот момент мог себе представить. Это было большим шоком для меня, я не понимал ничего, осознал насколько низок мой уровень(сейчас я не скажу, что знаю намного больше :) всегда надо развиваться). Тем не менее я не отступил назад, а довольно быстро выучил новые технологии и включился в работу. В результате сейчас я использую Pug/SCSS постоянно в работе и очень рад.

Проект разбит на файлы, много написано через миксины, все лежит в отдельных логических папочках - красота :) breadcrumps/navigation/menu etc.

grani static site generator with Pug

By , 2018

Source files are compiled (and copied) from the src/ directory to the dist/. The dist/ directory is empty by default and removed every time Grunt or Gulp launches to re-create / re-compile the source material to the destination dist/ directory.

Grunt or Gulp for compiling and serving the web site

To start working on your grani project again, start a Terminal / command-line window cd into the directory where the Gruntfile.js or Gulpfile.js reside and run the following command:

grunt serve

Or when using Gulp:

gulp serve

File watchers

Grunt or Gulp will watch for file changes to the following files:

  • *.pug
  • *.scss
  • *.js
  • *.img

When any of these change Grunt or Gulp will compile / copy over those changes from the src/ to the dist/ directory and refresh the web browser.

Keep Grunt or Gulp running while working on your grani project. To exit press the command below:

ctrl + c

Followed by a y.

Pug HTML templates

In the src/ are Pug *.pug files. These are the source HTML files (and partials / include files) and watched by Grunt or Gulp to compile to the dist/*.html directory. To create more HTML pages just create a *.pug equivalant in the src/ directory. Which, on save in your editor, will be compiled and copied to the dest/. This dest/ directoy is served to the web browser with browser-sync / automatic reloading of the page.

Example with master template

The index.pug file is an example Pug template file that uses a Pug master (see src/extends/master.pug) template via extends extends/master. This file is compiled to dest/index.html.

Sass manifest and modules

The src/scss/ directory holds a default Sass manifest file called style.scss. This file uses Sass @import lines to import various Sass partials. This style.scss is watched and compiled to dist/css/style.css.



My very first Pug/SCSS project i met late in 2017-2018







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