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Embedded autogenerated data (Hexdump on steroids)


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Typical usage expects a specific folder structure as following:

ead -standalone_files=fale -source=./src/application/embedded_autogenerated_data/data_root_raw

            embedded_autogenerated_data       <- output
                data_root_include             <- output_container
                data_root_raw                 <- source

                ead_collection.h              <-
                ead_helpers.c                 <-  Auxiliary files
                ead_helpers.h                 <-
                ead_structures.h              <-

It is assumed that the parent of the output directory is in the project's includes and the output is exactly named embedded_autogenerated_data by default. If this is not the case then include_prefix argument needs to change the default so the generated files have correct paths in the includes.

A current working directory can be used as the source folder, but because this could lead to accidental processing of a huge amount of files (if executed in a wrong location), therefore it is guarded by the source_current_folder flag, use with caution. Add the -source_current_folder=true argument when confident that the source directory can be safely the current working directory.

By default the parent of the source is used as output, the generated files will be saved into output/output_container. In this example it is the src/application/embedded_autogenerated_data/data_root_include. While the auxiliary files are stored into the output path directly.

If the location of the output files needs to be different then change the -output and -output_container arguments. Then the project's include path or -include_prefix might be adjusted as well.

If different auxiliary files are provided or for some other reason they were modified and can't be changed use -output_auxiliary=false to disable the auxiliary file generation. Note that the generated files still will produce a metadata structure and will still try to include the structure depend on it to be defined.

To keep the default settings less intrusive the hex-dumps without metadata are produced. Default is -standalone_files=true which will produce files that do not depend on any other includes and are fully standalone. But they do not provide any metadata, thus do not provide any virtual filesystem features. When left as true, then the value of output_auxiliary is irrelevant as no auxiliary files will be generated. The include_prefix is irrelevant as well because in standalone mode no includes are used in the files.

When using the generated files in a web-server context, then some files can be pre-compressed, use -compress_web=true to enable this feature. Use -h to see the list of supported extensions. At the moment only GZIP compression is supported, possibly in the future other compressions might be added.

If the bundled Microchip's copyright is not suitable, then use -copyright argument and point to a copyright notice file. The file content will be used as a comment in a C/H files as it is and therefore it needs to have valid syntax. The first line is already indented correctly, but for multiline copyright notices extra attention needs to be made to make sure the syntax and indentation are not broken.

For all other arguments use -h argument to display help.

Build EAD

  • Install and configure golang

  • Install the following packages by typing the following:

    go get

    go get

    go get

    go get

    go get

  • Download this project with go get ("undefined: Assets" error is expected as the go generate was not run yet)

  • Go into the project:

    • On Windows: cd %GOPATH%/src/
    • On Linux: cd $GOPATH/src/
  • Generate vfsdata go generate

  • Build the project

    • Build the final native binary go build
    • To build all other platforms run bash ./ (Tested on Linux and under GitBash command line on Windows)

Note: If it is required to cross-build from Windows to Linux only and then copy it into a shared VM folder then the following can be used:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o release/ead-linux-x86-64
cp release/ead-linux-x86-64 /d/VMs/_shared_folder/ead