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A solution of SISR that merges the ideas of SRGAN and Edge Informed SISR. This solution was presented on 1st SpainAI hackathon obtain 4th position.


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This repository was created in order to participate in the Hackathon organized by @SpainAI, in the computer vision challenge.

The objective of this challenge was the generation of high resolution images, i.e. Single Image Super Resolution (SISR). For this, I decided to implement a solution that unifies the advantages offered by SRGAN (Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network) (see together with those offered by the edge prediction (Edge-Informed Single Image Super-Resolution) introduced in

Analyzing the challenge:

In this challenge we were asked to train a system that learns to generate high resolution images from low quality images. For this, we provided a training dataset where low quality images existed, as well as the corresponding high resolution images for each of these images. In addition, another set of low resolution test data was provided and used to evaluate the proposed solutions. What you were asked is that for the low quality test image set, generate the high quality images. This challenge was posed by looking for a practical application of Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANs) algorithms.


[SISR with GANs -]

The metric used to evaluate the solutions was the Structural similarity index (SSIM, see

Analyzing the dataset:

As a set of supplied data, we have two folders, one for training and one for testing. Inside each folder there is a folder for the low resolution images (600x600 px) and another one for the high resolution images (2400x2400 px, only in the training dataset).

The images have the name: image_[resolution]_[id].png

  • where [resolution]: "600px" or "2400px"
  • and [id]: an integer between "0000" and "2105" that identifies each image.

In summary, we have:

  • The original images are in:

Training set:

  • LR: TrainingSet\600px
  • HR: TrainingSet\2400px

Test set:

  • LR: TestSet\600px
  • The images are named like:

Training set:

  • LR: TrainingSet\600px\image_600px_0006.png
  • HR: TrainingSet\2400px\image_2400px_0006.png

Test set:

  • LR: TestSet\600px\image_600px_1490.png

Preprocessing the images:

First, because the images are very large (LR=600x600px; HR=2400x2400px). I cut the images into small patches to speed up the I/O in training because in training I need to read a small patch of the original image (32px). So I'm going to cut each image into small patches. I will cut each image into 6x6 tiles with an 8 pixels pad to avoid boundary aberrations.
To do this, you must run

Read carefully the comments in this file to obtain the tiles of each image The sliced images will be saved in:

Training set:

  • LR: TrainingSet\600px\croppedoverl
  • HR: TrainingSet\2400px\croppedoverl

Test set:

  • LR: TestSet\600px\croppedoverl

Edge Generator:

To obtain a edge generator I use the code in Edge Informed SISR code (
This code will train a edge generator training with canny and GANs.
You can reuse the training edge generator that I left in:

  • ckpts/EdgeModel_gen.pth

HR Generator:

Once the edge generator has been trained, or using the one I provide pretrained, we now move on to train the model generator.
The proposed architecture is as follows: Arch

To train the HR Generator you must run:

Making sure that the lane with train is not commented

The Tensorboard will allow you to keep track of the metrics studied during training. To use Tensorboard, read this:


The results obtain an L1 loss of 0.0321 and SSIM of 0.88


To test the trained HR Generator, you must comment the lane of train() in

And then, uncomment the lane of test() in the same file.
Finally, run the file

This will create the HR testing tile images in TestSet\600px\output To process the results images, you must run:

This will read the results images in TestSet\600px\output, will move each image to a folder, join and then move the result HR images into a single folder called "final"

Sources and resources:

Papers with code in SISR:

Original SRGAN:

Other SRGAN:

Original Edge Informed SISR:

Thanks to SpainAI to organize this hackatlon <3.

If you have any doubts, you can feel free to contact me. @agnprz


A solution of SISR that merges the ideas of SRGAN and Edge Informed SISR. This solution was presented on 1st SpainAI hackathon obtain 4th position.








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