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02. Descending into Machine Learning

Antonio Erdeljac edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Descending into ML

Topic: Descending into ML

Course: GMLC

Date: 10 February 2019 

Professor: Not specified


Key Points

  • Linear relationship

    • y' - the predicted label or a desired output

    • b - the bias or the y intercept (offset from an origin)

    • w1 - weight of feature 1 (x1) (same as slope m from traditional line equation) 

    • x1 - feature or a known input

    • The following example uses only one feature, but model may use multiple features and weights

  • Linear regression - type of regression model that produces a continuous value from a linear combination of features

  • Inference - making the prediction itself using the unlabelled examples (after training the model with labeled examples)

  • Weight - a coefficient for a specific feature, or an edge in a deep network

  • Training - determining good values for all the weights and bias from labeled examples by examining models to find one that minimises the loss (process called empirical risk minimisation )

  • Loss - the number indicating how bad the prediction was on a simple example (perfect - 0, only greater than 0)

  • Squared loss

    •  the square difference between the label and the prediction

    • (observation - prediction(x))2 = (y-y’)2

  • Mean square error (MSE)

    • Average squared loss for each example over the whole data set

    • x - set of features (numeric value)

    • y - label (for example a temperature)

    • prediction(x) - function of weights and bias in combination with the features themselves

    • D - Data set combing many (x, y) labeled pairs / examples

    • N - Number of examples in data set

Check your understanding

  • Know the variable names for machine learning functions

  • Know how do weight and feature correlate with each other

  • Know how to explain empirical risk minimisation and where is it used

  • Know how do calculate loss

  • Understand the MSE calculations and the quality of prediction model by looking at MSE results

Summary of Notes

  • Model’s quality is determined by its MSE result

  • Empirical risk optimisation is a training process in which models are examined to find the one which has the lowest average loss