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Browser-Based Font Manager

A simple offline font manager that runs on any browser. Works on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Allows you to pull all font files from a folder (including it's subfolders) and lists them using that same font.
From there you can start categorizing your fonts in to useful categories and view fonts based on those categories.

How to use:


Download the release .zip for windows from the releases section.

Extract somewhere on your computer and run the .exe.

The UI should open in your browser automatically.

Store your fonts-folder in the font-directory input. Your fonts will be now loaded and displayed on the page.

Categorize your fonts by checking them with the checkbox, then typing a desired category name in the category input and hit "Assign to category"

You can now filter your fonts based on the active category by checking the "Filter by this category" checkbox


Download the release .zip for Linux from the releases section.

Extract somewhere on your computer and right-click on the file, choose properties and turn on "Excecutable as Program"

Open the terminal in that folder and launch the program by typing ./browser-based-font-manager-linux

The UI should open in your browser automatically.

Store your fonts-folder in the font-directory input. Your fonts will be now loaded and displayed on the page.

Categorize your fonts by checking them with the checkbox, then typing a desired category name in the category input and hit "Assign to category"

You can now filter your fonts based on the active category by checking the "Filter by this category" checkbox


Download the release .zip for Mac from the releases section.

Extract somewhere on your computer and open the terminal in that location (by right clicking on the folder and choosing "New terminal at folder"

Type chmod +x browser-based-font-manager-macos

Launch the program by typing ./browser-based-font-manager-macos

The UI should open in your browser automatically.

Store your fonts-folder in the font-directory input. Your fonts will be now loaded and displayed on the page.

Categorize your fonts by checking them with the checkbox, then typing a desired category name in the category input and hit "Assign to category"

You can now filter your fonts based on the active category by checking the "Filter by this category" checkbox