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Gesture Recognition Based Autonomous Moving Car

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-27 at 20 55 10


Gesture recognition means response to the change in spatial position of a object by the system being manipulated.There are two end the receiving one and the transmitting one.The Transmitting end having three-axis accelerometer interfaced with arduino nano ATMega328 board as input and a NRF24L01 as output.The Receiving end having NRF24L01 as input interfaced with arduino nano and two motors connected as output.


Gesture recognition is an alternative way for communicating with our system.It can be a better way to manipulate our system than the conventional cognition methods.The main qualities of a good gesture recognition system is its ability to accurately interpret gestures and a fast response to input data.Controlling any system which can be a industrial robot,a medical instrument or a military asset becomes arduous as the complexity increases.The operator has to deal with a lots of switches and controllers on the interface.A little mistake can cost a lot if the robot is doing some task demanding utmost delicacy. Our project deal with a human gesture based small prototype. We have made a small robot which is being controlled by our gesture. We have installed two micro controllers on each receiving and transmitting end. The transciever used in this prototype is NRF(Nordic Radio Frequency) which is sending data from accelerometer to our receiver end of the system.


In this Project we use a hand glove equipped with a accelerometer.The accelerometer gives a numerical data corresponding to every hand gesture which is accepted by arduino nano and transmitted to receiving end with the help of NRF(Nordic Radio frequency).The receiving end receives the data also through a NRF then NRF forwards the data to arduino nano which then commands the L293D to rotate the motors in response to gestures.

In this project nRF24L01 has been used in Enhanced ShockBurst mode.The radio front-end utilises GFSK modulation and is configurable to 2Mbps of air data rate.Enhanced ShockBurst mode offers 1-32 bytes of Dynamic payload length,Automatic Packet handling,Auto Packet transaction handling and 6 data pipe multiceiver for 1:6 star networks.


WhatsApp Image 2021-02-27 at 20 30 47

Pins of nrf24L01 is connected as follows:MOSI of nrf is connected to MOSI of Nano and MISO of nrf is connected to MISO of Nano.nrf24L01 receives power from 3.3V voltage regulator. IC7805 receives power from 3.3V voltage regulator and its output pin is connected to one of five pin set.Accelerometer is connected with this five pins. Output of Power jack(J1) is connected to inputs of both 7805 and 3.3V voltage regulator. Output of accelerometer is connected to analog input pins of nano.Corresponding to each gesture a data is supplied to analog input pins.Nano is equipped with inbuilt analog to digital data converter.Digital data is sent to transmitter via nrf24L01. The Arduino nano contains an inbuilt analog to digital conversion module.The data supplied by accelerometer is analog so it is given to analog pins.The number of elements in the sample space of the input provided by accelerometer is very large.So we set a resolution.The number of values used to replicate the analog data provide is called resolution. ADC conveys the analog data to corresponding digital values which is sent using nrf24L01 IC.


Receiver is also equipped with nrf24L01 IC.When address at transmitter and receiver matches the communication between our car and hand gesture input end begins. The connection for nrf24L01 is same as in transmitter.The MOSI and MISO is connected to MOSI and MISO of arduino nano respectively.The nrf24L01 here also receives power from 3.3 V voltage regulator. IC 7805 receives power from output end of power jack and supplies power to L293D IC.Output pin of IC 7805 is connected pins enable 1, enable 2 . L293D is used to drive motors.Connection of its enable pins is described above. It receives power from IC 7805.Pins D8 , D7 , D6 , D5 of Arduino nano is connected to pins in1 , in2 , in3 and in4 of L293D respectively.Pins out 1 , out 2 of L293D drives motor 1 and out 3 and out 4 drives motor 2. The data received by the nrf24L01 IC on receiving end is fed to Arduino nano , which processes it and forward it to L293D IC to drive motors according to users gesture.



A sensor with accelerometer (ADXL335) module is used here, which senses the coordinate axis of direction of the movements of the hand, then the car starts moving according to the movement of the hand. The ADXL335 is words on the principle of Piezoelectric effect on measuring, the static acceleration amounts due to gravity, the ball of the angle tilted at with respect to the earth is determined. On sensing the dynamic acceleration amount, the way of moving the car is analyzed.

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-27 at 20 30 49

This L298N Motor Driver Module is a high power motor driver module for driving DC and Stepper Motors. This module consists of an L298 motor driver IC and a 78M05 5V regulator. L298N Module can control up to 4 DC motors, or 2 DC motors with directional and speed control.

L298N Module Pin Configuration: Pin Name


IN1 & IN2

Motor A input pins. Used to control the spinning direction of Motor A

IN3 & IN4

Motor B input pins. Used to control the spinning direction of Motor B


Enables PWM signal for Motor A


Enables PWM signal for Motor B


Output pins of Motor A


Output pins of Motor B


12V input from DC power Source


Supplies power for the switching logic circuitry inside L298N IC


Ground pin

Source Code/Program

Gesture Receiver Code

#include <Wire.h>

//Arduino Gesture Control Robot
//Reciver Circuit 
//Created BY DIY Builder
//You need to install the required libraries before uploading the code.
//To install the libraries first download the library from here then go to sketch > include Library > ADD .ZIP File > Select the downloaded
// libary's Zip file and you're done now. You can upload the the sketch now.
// For more details you can contact me here


int ENA = 3;
int ENB = 9;
int MotorA1 = 4;
int MotorA2 = 5;
int MotorB1 = 6;
int MotorB2 = 7;

RF24 radio(8, 10);

const byte address[6] = "00001";

struct data {
  int xAxis;
  int yAxis;

data receive_data;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorA1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorA2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorB1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorB2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly
 while(radio.available()) {, sizeof(data));
 if(receive_data.yAxis > 400) {
  digitalWrite(MotorA1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorA2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorB1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorB2, LOW);
  analogWrite(ENA, 150);
  analogWrite(ENB, 150);
}else if(receive_data.yAxis < 320) {
  digitalWrite(MotorA1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorA2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorB1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorB2, HIGH);
  analogWrite(ENA, 150);
  analogWrite(ENB, 150);
} else if(receive_data.xAxis < 320){
  digitalWrite(MotorA1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorA2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorB1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorB2, LOW);
  analogWrite(ENA, 150);
  analogWrite(ENB, 150);
}else if(receive_data.xAxis > 400){
  digitalWrite(MotorA1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorA2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorB1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorB2, HIGH);
  analogWrite(ENA, 150);
  analogWrite(ENB, 150);
}else {
  digitalWrite(MotorA1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorA2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorB1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorB2, LOW);
  analogWrite(ENA, 0);
  analogWrite(ENB, 0);


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