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Web Service to validate an XML and Transform it using XSL sytlesheet.A tryIt Page is implemented to test these services.

Web Service 1: Verification

Web operation “verification” takes the URL of an XML (.xml) file and the URL of the corresponding XMLS (.xsd) file as input and validates the XML file against the corresponding XMLS (XSD) file. The Web method returns “No Error” or an error message showing the available information at the error point. You must use files , with and without fault injection, as the test cases. However, your service operation should work for other test cases too.

Web Service 2:

Web operation “transformation” takes the URL of an XML (.xml) file and the URL of the XSL file as inputs and generates an HTML file or a string based on the XML and XSL files. The generated HTML file or string should be returned as the return value of the operation. In the TryIt GUI , you can store the returned file in a text file or in an .htm (or .html) file. You can also display the file in the GUI of your Web application as a table. You must use files as a test case. However, your service operation should work for other test cases (other XML and XSD files) too.

Final Report : Read more here