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Anyline Guidance SDK

Anyline guidance sdk to retrieve high resolution image from a video stream with tire overlay that helps to point accurately to the tire.

See Migrating from v1 to v2


npm install @anyline/anyline-guidance-sdk

SDK Config and Callbacks

import init from '@anyline/anyline-guidance-sdk';
// ...
// call init when you want to start the sdk
init(config, callbacks);

1. config (required)

The config value is used to apply developer specific settings to the SDK. Currently, config can be used to control the number of times onboarding instructions are shown. For example:

const config = { 
  onboardingInstructions: { 
    timesShown: 3, 

In this example, onboarding instructions will be shown for a total of 3 times, after which the onboarding instructions will be skipped and sdk will start directly at the Video Stream screen.

NOTE: timesShown is stored in the localStorage. Clearing the localStorage will reset the setting.

If you wish to show the onboarding instructions everytime the sdk is initialised, set config like so

const config = {};

2. callbacks (required)

The callbacks object consists of two functions: onComplete and onPreProcessingChecksFailed

  • onComplete (required) is called once the SDK has finished processing the image.
  • onPreProcessingChecksFailed (optional) is called when the image captured by an end-user has failed to pass image quality checks. The user has the option to either proceed with the image or take a new picture. Example:
const callbacks = { 
  onComplete: ({ blob }) => {
    // final returned image
  onPreProcessingChecksFailed: ({ blob, message }) => {
    // intermediate image

Migrating from v1 to v2

Key changes

  1. Initialisation
  • v1: init called with a single config object and returned a promise
  • v2: init called with two arguments: config and callbacks and no longer returns a promise (use callbacks to retrieve blob).
  1. Config
  • v1: can be empty
  • v2: for empty config use {}
  1. Callbacks (v2 only)
  • onComplete required
  • onPreProcessingChecksFailed optional



const { blob } = await init({
  onboardingInstructions: {
    timesShown: 3


const config = {
  onboardingInstructions: {
    timesShown: 3
const callbacks = {
  onComplete: ({ blob }) => {
    // ...
init(config, callbacks)

See SDK Config and Callbacks for detailed implementation about config and callbacks.

Developers / Contributors

To start

  • Make sure you are using the correct node version by running nvm use
  • If you don't have the required node version, install the required node version by running nvm install
  • (skip if the previous step is done) If you don't have nvm installed, install nvm (on MacOS) via brew install nvm
  • install yarn npm install -g yarn
  • run yarn to install the project dependencies

To Build

  • run yarn build (uses esbuild.config.js), it generates 3 files for 3 different integration environments
    • ESM (for ESM)
    • CJS (for commonJS)
    • IIFE (for direct script tag inclusions)

To Try

This will build public/index.html and serve public/index.html in a local server running on http://localhost:8000.

  Hot-reload is not supported on "index.html" at the moment, so you will have to manually refresh the page after every change.