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When an image with a large resolution is reduced to fit the screen size using CSS, the pixels may be collapsed and not visible.
This library displays the original image in a separate display area without scaling, and changes the display area according to the location of the mouse.
If the image is not scaled, the expansion process is skipped.

* Except for the sample, there are no dependent libraries.


Multiple Images
Single Image

How to use (used Vue.js)

  1. Define the HTML.
    Specify a thumbnail image in "img.src" and the original image for "".
    Don't have to add the "" option. If you do not specify it, "img.src" is used to zoom in.
<div id="container">
    <div id="display-image-container">
        <div id="img-zoom-lens" v-bind:class="{
            visible: visibility }"></div>
        <img id="current-src" :src="displaySrc" :data-orig="originalSrc" v-on:mouseover="currentImageMouseOver"
            v-on:mouseleave="currentImageMouseLeave" v-on:mousemove="currentImageMouseMove" />

    <div id="current-src-hover" v-bind:class="{
        visible: visibility }">
  1. Define the CSS.
    Can't use "display: none". Use "visibility: hidden".
.visible {
    visibility: visible !important;

#container {
    display: flex;

#current-src {
    width: 400px;

#display-image-container {
    position: relative;

#img-zoom-lens {
    visibility: hidden;
    pointer-events: none;
    position: absolute;
    border: 2px solid #e45b9f;
    box-sizing: border-box;

#current-src-hover {
    visibility: hidden;
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    border: 1px solid;
  1. Create MagnifyImageJS instance and init.
    1st arg: ID of the img element.
    2nd arg: ID of the area that displays the original image.
    3rd arg: ID of the element that displays the area on mouseover.
let imageZoom = new MagnifyImageJS("current-src", "current-src-hover", "img-zoom-lens");
  1. Create Vue instance and define methods, data.
    Call the "MagnifyImageJS#calculateRatios" method If the image size changes during mouseover.
new Vue({
    el: "#container",
    methods: {
        currentImageMouseOver: async function () {
            await imageZoom.setHoverImage();
            this.visibility = imageZoom.canZoom();
        currentImageMouseLeave: function () {
            this.visibility = false;
        currentImageMouseMove: function (e) {
    data: {
        visibility: false,
        displaySrc: "thumbnails/1.jpg",
        originalSrc: "images/1.png"

How to Build


Node Package Manager (6.14.8 when it was developed.)


Install packages

$ npm install

Build JavaScript codes and samples

The result is output to "dist" and "min" in repository directory.

$ npm run build
# or grunt build

Dependency library

Vue.js: Copyright (c) 2013-present, Yuxi (Evan) You
* used in samples.

Special Thanks

How To Create an Image Zoom w3schools


No description, website, or topics provided.







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