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lilypond-invoke-editor made using Rust.


This software is designed to replace the lilypond-invoke-editor in Windows 10.

  1. Build the code yourself with cargo build --release. Or get a prebuilt binary in releases.
    • Put it in C:\. You will need administrator permissions.
  2. In order to use this, first open Registry Editor (regedit), navigate to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textedit\shell\open\command. You should see key named (Default). It's type should be REG_SZ.
    • Set the data to C:\rust-lilypond-invoke-editor.exe "%1".
    • Create a new String Value in Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textedit, name it URL Protocol.
  3. To configure your text editor, edit your user environment variables.
    • Create a new variable called LYEDITOR if you don't already have one.
    • Set the value to code -g %(file)s:%(line)s:%(column)s if you use vscode.
  4. To configure SumatraPDF, edit C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdfrestrict.ini. Find the line for LinkProtocols.
    • Append ,textedit to that line. In my case, the line becomes:
    LinkProtocols = http,https,mailto,textedit