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AppCoins Project


Repo containing the smart contracts of the AppCoins protocol

  1. Getting started with docker
  2. Getting started
  3. How to test

Getting started with docker:

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose

  2. Clone this repo:

$ git clone
  1. Move to the appropriate directory:
$ cd asf-contracts
  1. Run docker compose build (optional):
$ docker-compose build
  1. Deploy the docker container:
$ docker-compose up
  1. On a new terminal attach to the new docker container:
$ docker exec -it AppCoinsDev  bash

Getting started:

  1. This project has a few pre-installation dependencies.
  1. Clone this repo using git clone

  2. Move to the appropriate directory:

$ cd asf-contracts
  1. Create the file .env from .env.example and configure it:
$  cp .env.example .env
  1. Install the dependencies:
$  npm install
  1. Start Ganache/TestRPC
$ npm run ganache-cli
  1. Deploy the contracts into the test network:
$  truffle deploy --reset

Now you are ready to start using the contracts.

How to test:

  1. Configure the project see getting started.

  2. Use the command:

$ truffle test