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Payments: PHP validation

Diogo edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 4 revisions

Validate signature belongs to the signing address

To validate the signature belongs to the signing address, we can create a class Signature that will call the method personalEcRecover from Ethereum\EcRecover:


namespace Signature;

use Ethereum\EcRecover;
use Ethereum\DataType\EthD;
 * Class that validates sender signature
class Signature

   * @dataProvider ecRecover
   * @param $address
   * @param $transaction
   * @param $signature
   * @returns bool
   * @throws \Exception
    public function checkMatch($address, $transaction, $signature)
      $recoveredAddr = Ethereum::personalEcRecover($transaction, new EthD($signature) );
      $isEqual = $address ==  $recoveredAddr;
      return $isEqual;

