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Setting Custom Attributes
Setting Custom Attributes for Roku
This reference article describes methods to assign custom attributes for Roku to users via the Braze SDK.

Setting custom attributes

Braze provides methods for assigning attributes to users. You'll be able to filter and segment your users according to these attributes on the dashboard.

Before implementation, be sure to review examples of the segmentation options afforded by custom events, user attributes, and purchase events in our Best practices. We also recommend familiarizing yourself with our Event naming conventions.

Assigning default user attributes

User attributes will be assigned to the currently active user. The following default fields may be set:

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Email
  • Gender
  • DateOfBirth
  • Country
  • Language
  • HomeCity
  • PhoneNumber

Implementation Example
This is what setting a first name would look like in code:

m.Braze.setFirstName("User's First Name")

Assigning custom user attributes

Beyond the default user attributes, Braze also allows you to define custom attributes using several different data types.

Settings custom attribute values

{% tabs %} {% tab Boolean %}

m.Braze.setCustomAttribute("boolAttribute", true)

{% endtab %} {% tab Integer %}

m.Braze.setCustomAttribute("intAttribute", 5)

{% endtab %} {% tab Float/Double %}

m.Braze.setCustomAttribute("floatAttribute", 3.5)

Braze treats FLOAT and DOUBLE values exactly the same within our database. {% endtab %} {% tab String %}

m.Braze.setCustomAttribute("stringAttribute", "stringValue")

{% endtab %} {% tab Date %}

dateAttribute = CreateObject("roDateTime")
dateAttribute.fromISO8601String("1992-11-29 00:00:00.000")
m.Braze.setCustomAttribute("dateAttribute", dateAttribute)

{% endtab %} {% tab Array %}

stringArray = createObject("roArray", 3, true)
m.Braze.setCustomAttribute("arrayAttribute", stringArray)

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Incrementing/decrementing custom attributes

This code is an example of an incrementing custom attribute. You may increment the value of a custom attribute by any positive or negative integer value.

m.Braze.incrementCustomUserAttribute("intAttribute", 3)

Unsetting a custom attribute

Custom attributes can also be unset using the following method:


Setting a custom attribute via the REST API

You can also use our REST API to set user attributes. Refer to the users API documentation for details.

Custom attribute value limits

Custom attribute values have a maximum length of 255 characters.

Managing email subscription status

You can set the following email subscription statuses for your users programmatically through the SDK.

Subscription Status Definition
OptedIn Subscribed, and explicitly opted in
Subscribed Subscribed, but not explicitly opted in
UnSubscribed Unsubscribed and/or explicitly opted out
{: .reset-td-br-1 .reset-td-br-2}

These types fall under BrazeConstants().SUBSCRIPTION_STATES

The method for setting email subscription status is setEmailSubscriptionState(). Users will be set to Subscribed automatically upon receipt of a valid email address, however, we suggest that you establish an explicit opt-in process and set this value to OptedIn upon receipt of explicit consent from your user. For more details, visit Managing user subscriptions.

Example usage:
