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kalender - Jetpack Compose Customizable Calendar Library

Create a fully customizable calendar with this library, offering extensive options to modify its visual appearance and style.


  • Customize day abbreviations with ease.
  • Modify the visual appearance of day abbreviations, including background color, text style, border width, and border color.
  • Style the month and year texts to fit your design.
  • Set custom drawables for the back and next buttons.
  • Define text styles for active and passive day items.
  • Customize day item containers with padding, background color, shape, and more.
  • Set background images for the calendar and day items.
  • Control the visibility of the months section.


allprojects {
    repositories {
      maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.AppcentMobile:kalender:v1.0.2'
