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Verizon Cloud Connector Extension

##Use Case

Elastically grow/shrink instances into cloud/virtualized environments. There are four use cases for the connector.

First, if the Controller detects that the load on the machine instances hosting an application is too high, the verizon-cloud-connector-extension may be used to automate creation of new virtual machines to host that application. The end goal is to reduce the load across the application by horizontally scaling up application machine instances.

Second, if the Controller detects that the load on the machine instances hosting an application is below some minimum threshold, the verizon-cloud-connector-extension may be used to terminate virtual machines running that application. The end goal is to save power/usage costs without sacrificing application performance by horizontally scaling down application machine instances.

Third, if the Controller detects that a machine instance has terminated unexpectedly when the connector refreshes an application machine state, the verizon-cloud-connector-extension may be used to create a replacement virtual machine to replace the terminated application machine instance. This is known as our failover feature.

Lastly, the verizon-cloud-connector-extension may be used to stage migration of an application from a physical to virtual infrastructure. Or the verizon-cloud-connector-extension may be used to add additional virtual capacity to an application to augment a preexisting physical infrastructure hosting the application.

##Directory Structure

File/Folder Description
src Contains source code to the verizon connector extension
target Only obtained when using maven. Run 'maven clean install' to get distributable .zip file
pom.xml maven script file (required only if changing Java code)

##Prerequisite Create a key pair to use this connector extension. To create a key pair look for To Create A Key Pair section of


  1. Clone the verizon-cloud-connector-extension from GitHub
  2. Run 'maven clean install' from the cloned verizon-cloud-connector-extension directory
  3. Download the file located in the 'dist' directory into <controller install dir>/lib/connectors
  4. Unzip the downloaded file
  5. Restart the Controller
  6. Go to the controller dashboard on the browser. Under Setup->My Preferences->Advanced Features enable "Show Cloud Auto-Scaling features" if it is not enabled.
  7. On the controller dashboard click "Cloud Auto-Scaling" and configure the compute cloud and the image.

Click Compute Cloud->Register Compute Cloud. Refer to the image below

Note: Access URL should be the URL which you see after login to the Verizon cloud. In my case it is Please do not use

alt tag

Click Image->Register Image. Refer to the image below

alt tag

To launch an instance click the image created in the above step and click on Launch Instance. Refer to the image below

alt tag

##Known Issue When terminating an intance, unabel to delete the assigned public IP of that instance.


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For any questions or feature request, please contact AppDynamics Center of Excellence.