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Appgrades is a light version management platform for mobile apps. It provides iOS and Android SDKs to be integrated in your mobile apps and a rich user friendly Dashboard to manage your apps versions adoption rates. With few clicks, you can convert all your old versions users to the newest one. No code needed while providing a visual preview of the UI componement you can display to your users during the conversion process.

Choose Appgrades for all your projects, you never know when you will really need to push your users to use a recent version of your app!

How To Get Started

  • Check out the documentation for a comprehensive look at all needed steps to get your app configured with Appgrades.
  • Make sure you have installed Android Studio and Android SDK



Integrate the SDK from Maven Central

dependencies {
    compile 'io.appgrades:appgrades:1.1.0@aar'

Manual integration

Download the SDK

  • Download the SDK here

Manage Dependencies

Copy appgrades.aar library file under your app libs directory. Reference the aar file by adding a directory repository of the libs folder of your app module:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'

Finally, reference the library in the dependency section:

dependencies {
    compile(name:'appgrades', ext:'aar')

Now, the library is fully integrated to the app and you can start using it.

Run the service

Import the Appgrades class

From your app MainActivity class, import the Appgrades class:

import io.appgrades.sdk.Appgrades;

Get your Developer Key

Get your Developer Key from the Appgrades Dashboard. From the Dashboard, click on Copy Key to clipboard.


Start the service

From your app MainActivity class, in onCreate method, call the run function to start appgrades and pass your Developer key and the current application context:"YOUR_DEVELOPER_KEY", this.getApplicationContext());

Check the integration

Enable the logger

Optionally, you can enable to the logger. Use the following code to set a logging level to the logger:


You can choose one of the following logging levels:


Run the app

Run your application on Emulator or device.

Check the Dashboard

Visit the Appgrades Dashboard. You should see appearing your app listed.



Appgrades is released under a Commercial license. See LICENSE for details.