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DAO Aquarius

Aquarius protocol is governed by DAO voting with AQUA tokens. Vote and participate in discussions to shape the future of Aquarius.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contributing
  4. Contact

About The Project

Aquarius is designed to supercharge trading on Stellar, bring more liquidity and give control over how it is distributed across various market pairs. It adds incentives for SDEX traders ("market maker rewards") and rewards for AMM liquidity providers. Aquarius allows community to set rewards for selected markets through on-chain voting.

Aquarius Screen Shot

What is DAO Aquarius?

The end goal is to build a thriving, reliable and decentralized ecosystem around Aquarius and AQUA tokens. Key protocol parameters will be controlled by the AQUA token holders. This will be further explored as the smart contract frameworks on Stellar mature and evolve.

How does governance work?

Community users can create proposals to be voted on by the AQUA community. When created, a proposal author will choose an end date for voting on their proposal. The AQUA community has until the end of voting to decide if they would like to vote for or against the proposal.

What is Aquarius voting?

Aquarius allows the community of AQUA holders to signal where liquidity is needed through a voting process. This introduces an additional liquidity management layer for the whole Stellar network.

AQUA token holders decide on the market pairs where liquidity is needed most, and also define the size of market maker rewards for each pair.

How does voting work?

The voting happens on-chain so the votes can be independently validated by any user. Aquarius provides an interface visualising the votes and current rewards in various markets, as well as a separate dashboard where AQUA holders can vote. Voting works with most Stellar wallets including hardware wallets such as Ledger.

After each round of voting, Aquarius aggregates the individual votes of all Stellar users. Based on the results it defines a list of markets where the incentives should be activated.

Where I can find more info about the project?

Check more details and participate in discussions on Discord.

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Getting Started


Make sure you have Node.js between 12 and 13 installed. If not, install it (Node version manager is recommended).

# Check your node version using this command
node --version


  1. Clone/download repo
  2. yarn install (or npm install for npm)
  3. Set environment variable WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID to work with WalletConnect



yarn run start-dev

  • Build app continuously (HMR enabled)
  • Governance served @ http://localhost:8080


yarn run start-prod

  • Build app once (HMR disabled) to /dist/
  • Governance served @ http://localhost:3000

All commands

Command Description
yarn run start-dev Build app continuously (HMR enabled) and serve @ http://localhost:8080
yarn run start-prod Build app once (HMR disabled) to /dist/ and serve @ http://localhost:3000
yarn run build Build app to /dist/
yarn run test Run tests
yarn run lint Run linter
yarn run lint --fix Run linter and fix issues
yarn run start (alias of yarn run start-dev)

Note: replace yarn with npm in package.json if you use npm.

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Email: Telegram chat: @aquarius_official_community Telegram news: @aqua_token Twitter: @aqua_token GitHub: @AquaToken Discord: @Aquarius Reddit: @AquariusAqua Medium: @aquarius-aqua

Project Link:

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